Category Heaven

Can you change your mind once you are in hell?

Peut-on changer d'avis en enfer ? Don Thomas Lapenne

Can the damned, the very people whom, in our imagination, are roasting in the fires of hell, change their mind after all? Find out more with Rev. Fr. Thomas Lapenne who refreshes a few truths on what hell is about, and how the dramatic possibility of ending there out of one's free will engages one's responsibility in one's daily life.

Pilgrimage for the deceased with Cardinal Fridolin Ambogo

Le cardinal Fridolin Ambogo, archevêque de Kinshasa présidait le pèlerinage du Ciel du 12 novembre 2023 au sanctuaire Notre-Dame de Montligeon

The Archbishop of Kinshasa was at the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon to preside on Sunday 12th November 2023. Surrounded by a crowd of pilgrims from all walks of life, he addressed all with a message of hope.

Can we expect to encounter our loved ones after we die?

Au ciel, revoir ceux que nous avons aimés ?

Christians believe in the resurrection of the body and in life everlasting. Indeed, the deceased are well alive in heaven. Faced with death, one might doubt such a reality, especially so as most often demise is experienced as a breach in relationships. In such a context, after we die, will we see our loved ones?

Aging in happiness: at 80, could still one’s greatest joys lie ahead?

A 80 ans, nos plus belles joies sont-elles derrière nous ?

Notre société a tendance à considérer les personnes âgées comme inefficaces, voire comme des « déchets », comme l’affirme le pape François. Dans ce contexte, peut-on vieillir dans la joie ? A 80 ans, nos plus belles joies sont-elles devant nous ? Réponse de sœur Cécile pour RCF Orne-Calvados-Manche.

Is praying for our dead and hoping they are saved incompatible?

Prière pour les défunts

We would love to know whether or not our deceased loved ones are in Heaven. Is praying for our deceased and hoping they are saved incompatible? If it is impossible to know, we must trust that they are in Heaven and pray for them tirelessly.

The Last Judgment: good news or not?

Don Pierre Gazeau

Most people fear the Last Judgment, whilst a few see it as good news…What is the Last Judgment about? Is it to fear? Guidelines from Rev. Fr. Pierre Gazeau in a brief interview by Guillaumes Desanges, for RCF (national French…

Pilgrimage for the unborn

Notre-Dame des tout petits défunts Montligeon_3207

On April 24, for the sixth year in a row, the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon organizes a pilgrimage in memory of the the deceased little ones. It will take place on Divine Mercy Sunday, and will be dedicated…

Will the resurrection of my body really occur?

No matter how, whether buried or cremated, our remains are doomed to disappear, even unto dust. In such a context, will the resurrection of one’s body really occur? If so, how? Rev. Fr. Don Guillaume d’Anselme, chaplain at the shrine…

Montligeon on major US TV channel!

Rev. Fr. Paul Denizot was Fr. Mitch Pacwa’s guest on his EWTN-Live show on Dec. 8, 2021. Together with Martine Courvoisier, he presented the vocation of the shrine of Montligeon and the purpose of praying for the dead. Replay. Fr.…