Amounting to1272, spread across 32 countries, Montligeon Prayer Groups (MGPs) are like extensions of the shrine. Tangible signs of the spiritual Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon, they are called to become true schools of hope. Find out where MGPs locate worldwide, maybe you’ll discover one close by. If not, we can help you start one.
“I have been a member of a prayer group for Souls in purgatory ever since November 2014. I enjoy and find much consolation in being part of it as I lost all my family (my brothers, my younger sister, and my mother). So to pray for them all is so comforting.” Claudette
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What role do the Montligeon Prayer Groups play?
Revd. Fr. don Martin Viviès answers Guillaume Desanges for the Normandy Catholic radio network
What is a Montligeon Prayer Group about?
Explanations by Nathalie Blondeau, in charge of the MPG’s during 14 years, until October 2022.
What brings us closer to our departed ?
“On 2nd November, after celebrating all Saints, Catholics pray for their deceased. In the light of #Toussaint, All Souls Day is the opportunity for Christians to affirm and outwardly express their hope in eternal life offered by Christ’s resurrection. This is why on the occasion of these two solemnities, a large number of people go to cemeteries to honour their departed loved ones by bringing flowers to their graves.”
About the Montligeon Prayer Groups
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3 essentials: prayer, training, charitable endeavours
Prayer groups affiliated to Our Lady of Montligeon Fraternity meet on a regular basis, – either weekly or monthly – and pray for souls in union with the shrine’s mission. Praying the Rosary of Our Lady of Montligeon is at the core of their meetings. At their disposal, special meditations provided by the Montligeon shrine.
Members of associated MGPs are invited to develop their faith knowledge, especially with regards to eternal life. Purposely organized training sessions are on offer at the shrine, or by means of the shrine chaplains’ “Montligeon Missions” organized at national or international level.
Charitable endeavours
Members of the Montligeon Prayer Groups are often engaged in additional substantial charitable undertakings, such as joining in their parish funeral teams, or volunteering at their local hospital, home for the elderly, etc.
Our Lady of Montligeon Prayer Groups Guides to download
“Praying and engaging others to pray for the deceased.”
Such was the purpose of the spiritual Oeuvre of Montligeon as initiated by its founder, Msgr. Buguet in 1884. Embedded in parishes and chaplaincies throughout the world, Montligeon Prayer Groups (MPGs) realize Our Lady of Montligeon Fraternity for the souls in purgatory, especially the most neglected. Find out more on how to form one.
Forming a Montligeon Prayer Group
“Praying and engaging people to pray for the deceased.” Such was the Oeuvre of Montligeon ‘s purpose as devoted by its founder, Msgr. Paul Buguet, in 1884.
Embedded in their parish, the Montligeon Prayer Groups diffused throughout the world. They locally fulfill the prayer of the Fraternity of Montligeon in favor of the souls in purgatory, especially the most neglected.
Presentation of the prayer groups
of Our Lady of Montligeon
With this leaflet you will learn more about the Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon, association of lay people, erected by Pope Leo XIII as Arch-Confraternity. Its purpose: praying for the Holy Souls, especially the most neglected. Now present throughout the world, it engages its associate members to pray and engage others to pray for the deceased, as well as for the people recommended to the Fraternity.
To join or start a MPG
Want to start a Montligeon prayer group near you? Get in touch with Virginie at the shrine of Montligeon. She will support you set up your group. Thereafter, she will remain your privileged contact and will answer your questions, help you organise a pilgrimage to Montligeon or anything else concerning your prayer group!
Marie Houdebert
“My first mission is to help pilgrims who seek support with praying for their deceased loved ones and suggestion as for a prayer group close by.”
Below a sample of the prayer groups worldwide who pray the Rosary for the departed, united with the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon
A mere sample amidst the 1272 prayer groups worldwide
Montligeon Prayer Groups in France
Praying for my deceased
Hear Marie-Aimée’s testimony,
facilitator of the MPG in Rantigny (60), France.
The “Our Lady of Hope Prayer Group”
in Tremblay-en-France
Facilitated by Marie Geneviève Le Gal
(Feb. 2021 pic): Our Lady of Hope Prayer Group in Tremblay-en-France
They meet and pray for the Holy Souls once a month and Mass ensues.
The “Saint Joseph Prayer Group”
in Puy-en-Velay
Facilitated by Guy Carmine
Ever since 2016 the prayer group for Souls in purgatory comes together to pray for the poor souls and gather in the magnificent crypt at the shrine of Saint-Joseph. Once a month at 3 pm at the St Joseph Basilica.
The “Saint Joseph Prayer Group”
Reunion Island
Facilitated by Marie-Armande Grondin
Mars 2021 : Tout le groupe est présent sur la photo, avec le curé de la paroisse qui tient le tableau.
Launched in November 2017, the prayer group meets at the Holy Family Church in Butor, Reunion Island. Once a month, at 4 pm, Mass for the Poor Souls ensues.
Montligeon Prayer Groups in Africa
More about the Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon in Africa, by Rev. Fr. Paul Denizot, upon his return from a mission in various African countries where the Fraternity is active.
Find out more about the Montligeon Missions to Africa
Montligeon Prayer Groups in America
South America
About the prayer group at
Paróquia Santa Luzia De Promissão. Brazil
Facilitated by Renata BRAGA
and the Rev. Fr. Edenilson PINTO
The Pan de Azucar Prayer group in Uruguay
Facilitated by Fr. Jose Luis Ponte
In Uruguay the Pan de Azucar prayer group meets on Sundays tous les dimanches à 9h00 at 9 am at Our Lady of Sorrows church, and is facilitated by Rev. Fr. Jose Luis Ponte.
Central America
Presentation by
Father Pinto
Since 2019, the Rosary for the deceased is facilitated by Renata Braga and Fr. Edenilson Pinto once a month, on 2nd Wednesday of the month, at 6:30 pm followed by Mass at 07.30 pm at the parish of Santa Luicia Promissão.
Encounters in
Rev. Fr. Louis de Berny meeting Guatemala parishioners and prayer group
In Uruguay the Pan de Azucar prayer group meets on Sundays tous les dimanches à 9h00 at 9 am at Our Lady of Sorrows church, and is facilitated by Rev. Fr. Jose Luis Ponte.
North America
Montligeon prayer Group in Canton, Ohio.
Initiated by Anthony Orlando
Montligeon Prayer Group in Stratford, Connecticut
Facilitated by Donna Graham
The group meets every first Saturday of the month for Rosary, prayer, and Mass. Each mass is for the intention of the Souls in Purgatory.
The prayer group meet at St George Cathedral in Canton (Ohio), on the last Wednseday of the month after the 8 am Holy Mass.
Montligeon Prayer groups in Canada
In Gatineau, QC: The Prayer Group Notre-Dame de la Rive (Our Lady of the Shore), facilitated by Pierre Aubin meets every first Wednesday of the month at Saint-Alexander Church.
In Gatineau, QC: The other The Prayer Group facilitated by Denise Poitras meets on Mondays at 6:30 pm at Pierre Chanel Church.
In Montreal, QC : The Prayer Group Notre-Dame Libératrice (Our Lady Liberatrix) facilitated by Rev. Fr. Viau and Jehanne Petit meets every third Thursday of the month at 8:30 am at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church.
Trois-Rivières, QC: The Prayer Group is facilitated by Marie-Claire Champagne and meet at the Carmelites Convent.
A sample of radios that pray online the Our Lady of Montligeon Rosary
Radio Maria
Rosary for the departed in union with the shrine, on Fridays live at 6.15pm, with a group leader by phone.
83130 LA GARDE
Radio Maria
No Te Hau, Tahiti
(Our Lady of Peace)
Luminous mysteries for the deceased in union with the Shrine on the 1st Sunday of the month, live at 5:30 p.m. Replay at 2 am.
Salve Regina, in Corsica, France
Rosary for the departed in union with the shrine, on the 1st Saturday of the month, live at 5:30 pm, followed by Mass at 6pm
20200 BASTIA
Fidélité Radio
Loire Atlantique
Rosary for the departed in union with the shrine, live on the 4th Thursday at 8:30 pm à
44100 NANTES
Radio Maria, Switzerland
Suisse Romande
Luminous mysteries for the deceased in union with the Shrine on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. live
Radio Maria Leuven
Luminous mysteries for the deceased in union with the Shrine on Fridays live at 12:15 (noon) in Flemish language
Saint Louis
Sorrowful mysteries for the deceased in union with the shrine live on the 4th Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. live
97200 Fort de France
Luminous mysteries for the deceased in union with the shrine live on 3rd Thursday of the month at 3:00 pm
French Guyana
United abut not uniformed
Locallly embedded
From this common base, each group develops and evolves according to its culture and sensibility, as well as according to the needs of its environment and community, in a nutshell: according to the context in which it is established, and its specifics. For you won’t pray in the same way with primary school children as with retirement home residents!
Montligeon prayer groups are set up in parishes, hospitals, retirement homes and even schools. Always set up with the approval of the parish priest, or the structure chaplain or religious superior concerned, and obviously in liaison with the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon.
Valued multiplicity!
The Fraternity of Montligeon is an international soladity, and the Our Lady of Montligeon prayer groups are most varied in size and kind. But all of a same face. Here are just a few examples of how different the groups can be, from France and around the world:
In French-speaking Africa, groups provide concrete support to widows and widowers, to destitute or orphaned children, to the elderly and the sick, and to people in jail.
In Contres (41), France, two prayer groups are engaged in all manners of support to bereaved families seeking to offer comfort (regular phone calls, home visiting, praying with them, helping with transportation to funerals, etc.).
In Canada, the Fraternity set up a huge chain of prayer and charity for the deceased.
Young pupils at Courset school (62), France pray the rosary for the deceased every 1st Wednesday of the month.
Every week, the GPM Notre-Dame du Bon Espoir (44), France changes and prays its rosary in a different church.
Email us testimonies and photos of your prayer group at
Make your pledge to pray for souls
Come to the November Heaven’s Pilgrimages in Montligeon and share in the intense experience praying for the deceased… In addition, if you happen to visit the shrine, you could join the Oath Ceremony for people who pledge to pray for the deliverance of souls in Purgatory. Enquire further at