Category Prayers

“How the souls in purgatory helped me to make a way of the cross”

In 2008, as he was dealing with financial worries, the rector of the Belgium shrine of Tancremont was unexpectedly helped by the souls in purgatory for whom he used to pray. Read this testimmony about how a relationship with souls in purgatory endures through prayer.

Five meditations for those faced to death

🕯️ From November 2 to 30, 2024, join our meditation series with Magnificat: Five meditations for those faced to death. 📅 Sign up to receive a weekly meditation and pray for those who have left us. ➜

Throughout November,  on the occasion of the solemnities of All Saint Day and the celebration for the Holy Trespassed, Magnificat offers you a journey in five steps to go deeper in those questions. Where are our deceased loved-ones?  What can…

The benefits of mass for the deceased

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Viviane lost all her siblings, especially her twin brother. She remains the only believer in her family. She recounts how a mass celebrated for her deceased brother brought her peace.

Helping someone let go and pass away

Soeur Cécile, lâcher prise pour mourir
Sometimes it takes only a few words to help someone let go and pass away. Drawing from her experience as a nurse and that of accompanying people at the end of life, Sister Cecilia recalls how a liberating cue allowed a dying woman to let go and pass away in peace.

Why enrol in the Fraternity of Montligeon?

Enrolling people in the Montligeon Fraternity, Adrianna knows all about it! She does regularly enrol in it both the deceased and the living. She tells us why.

Month of May, month of Mary

Notre-Dame Libératrice_ Basilique Notre Dame de Montligeon
Traditionally the month of May is dedicated to Mary. Mary is the Mother par excellence, whose motherly love nevers fails. Let us make use of the month of Mary to turn to her in confidence.

2023 Eastertide at the shrine of Montligeon

Semaine sainte et Pâques à Montligeon, office de la passion

For the 2023 Eastertide at the shrine of Montligeon: see detailed schedule below. You are most welcome to come at all times and participate in the celebrations taking place at the shrine, or to connect on our YouTube live broadcasts.…