Tag euthanasie

Addressing the questions raised by the end of life, with Alliance VITA

Les missions d'Alliance VITA, la rencontre avec Camille.

Alliance VITA, an organization dedicated to the preservation of human life and dignity, has been dealing with complex bioethical issues for 30 years. Camille, their communication manager, describes their special commitment, especially in relation to their end of life approach.…

Msgr Bozo: why should we fight against euthanasia and assisted suicide?

Monseigneur Bozo : combattre l'euthanasie et le suicide assisté
This autumn, France will look into a law project aiming at legalising assisted suicide and euthanasia. Why should we fight it and how? Because legalisation of euthanasia and assisted suicide, which, contrary to common belief, is currently practised by only a handful of countries worldwide represents an absolute break with our way of living in society