Tag Montligeon

Forgiving a deceased person makes you free

Pardonner à un défunt rend libre
Evelyne lives in the Essonne, near Paris. She comes very often to pray for her deceased family members. This time she came on a journey of forgiveness and explained how forgiving a deceased person can make you free.

A pilgrimage in November for the deceased

Pèlerinage pour les défunts en novembre à Montligeon
What can we do for our deceased on the practical level, for our loved-ones who have departed? During the month of November which traditionally is devoted to praying for the deceased, Montligeon's suggests to do a pilgrimage. Why have a pilgrimage in November for a deceased?

What is the position of the Church regarding cremation?

Que pense l'Eglise de la crémation ?

Cremation is getting more and more popular in France, with over 40% deceased people incinerated nowadays. Yet this funeral practice raises some questions, especially in the French culture where burial used to be common practice. How does the Church regard…

Is purgatory a purification through love?

Le purg

Purgatory may sound as an elusive reality or something outdated. Still, whether people feel attracted by it, or disturbed or repelled, in Montligeon we are observing that more and more people are interested in this truth of faith. Could it…

Extreme unction vs. anointing the sick

Extreme-onction ou sacrement des malades

Is extreme unction the same thing as anointing the sick? Vatican II has broadened the understanding of the sacrament of extreme unction. As a result, today the sacrament of anointing the sick is no longer restricted to the dying. Interviewed…

Do animals go to paradise?

Les animaux vont-ils au paradis
Heaven is the fulfillment of our deepest longings, it is a state of supreme, definitive happiness. Therefore, we could logically claim that if our pet's presence is conditional on our definitive happiness, we will find our pet in Heaven. Don Jacques Vautherin answers.

Can you serve your purgatory on earth?

Peut-on faire son purgatoire sur la terre ?
People who are going through ordeals, including non-believers, claim they are serving their purgatory on earth. Are there any grounds to such a belief? In other words, can we serve our purgatory during this life? Don Paul Denizot, interviewed for the program Sanctuaires normands on RCF, clarifies the matter.

The super powers of resurrected bodies

Les super pouvoirs des corps ressuscités
Trying to figure out what will happen after the resurrection of the dead is quite tricky. However, a few things can be said about them, and their capacities can be described. Interviewing don Pierre Gazeau for RCF Radio.