Spiritual facilitation
Thanks to the Nuns of the New Convenant Sœurs de la Nouvelle Alliance, and to the priests of Communauté Saint Martin (St. Martin’s community) available on a daily basis at the Shrine, you may partake in daily Mass, Morning or Evening Prayers, go to confession, or be received for counseling. They compile the varied spiritual activity program https://montligeon.org/agenda/ which is on avail throughout the year.

Don Paul
Denizot, rector
Don Pierre
Don Thomas
Don Axel
de Perthuis
Rev. Fr. (don) Axel de Perthuis was ordained in June 2022 and began his ministry as chaplain of the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon. Prior to becoming a seminarian, he fulfilled his studies at the famous Ecole Polytechnique. Native of Paris outskirts.
Fr. Charles
Don Stéphane
At the shrine of Montligeon employees and volunteers are eager to offer pilgrims the best of stays so to enable them to find a true place of respite, comfort and solace. They endeavour to help our hosts take time and deepen their relation with God. Workforce review!
They most generously give time to Montligeon. You might encounter them assisting at the shop, the reception desk or the secretariats, or flowering the basilica and sometimes even transporting pilgrims to or from the train station! Should you wish to join them, do not hesitate a minute, you will not regret it!
At the reception desk
There you will find all the help you need to organise your sojourn. They will take care of you during your stay, helping you with requests or enquiries, or information about the forth coming activities.
The religious store
Want to bring home a Montligeon souvenir? Visit our religious bookstore and check on monastic and local crafts, find a postcard or literature life after death, lectures on CDs or baptismal gifts; the Boutique crew will even help you choose, if you ask them! Check the dedicated page on la Boutique. Also, get one of the chaplains to bless your gifts.
The management
The shrine employs over thirty employees, and thus, it obviously requires “earthly” management to ensure proper functioning, of both material and human resources, that entails regulation and organization of its various units like accounting for paychecks, for example.
The Communication service
Found a poster of the shrine for your local church, an insert in your favourite magazine, or on your Facebook wall, or the shrine fund-raising newsletter in your mailbox? Seek no more, just part of the numerous creations of the shrine P.R. Team!
The various secretariat services
The ladies on the ground-floor office pool their time and efforts to answer your mails, register your enrollees to the Montligeon Fraternity, ( enroll in Montligeon Fraternity), deal with your Mass requests, or subscriptions to the shrine journal ; whilst at the rector’s office, two staff members deal with his personal agenda, or assist him with preparing his conferences and missions at international level!
The Montligeon Prayer Groups office
Need to find out about the nearest MPG? Or on how to set one up? Montligeon Prayer Groups or ask for Virginie.
Catering facilities
Guess who is behind the great meals that you will enjoy at the shrine? Or behind the friendly crew serving in its dining rooms? Answer: our cooks and table service brigade, of course!
Cleaning and maintenance
From clean crispy bed linen, spotless floors and bathrooms, to working bedside lamps, our cleaning and maintenance crews are at your service!