What is the spiritual Fraternity of Our-Lady of Montligeon about?
The shrine of Montligeon is not a mere pilgrimage destination but the seat of a vast spiritual fraternity as well, that brings together the living and the dead, known as the Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon, or Our Lady of Deliverance of the poor souls. People enrolled in this (Archcon-)Fraternity benefit from the daily perpetual Mass celebrated to their intent at the Shrine and in various places worldwide by means of its associate members. Initiated by Fr. Buguet at the very start of his charitable endeavours, its members nowadays amount to millions.
Reaching out to our beloved departed …
“It is never too late to do good to our departed ones. We can pray for them, and recommend them in the Montligeon Fraternity of prayer for the deceased.”
The spiritual Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon is alike a small family encompassed in the vast family of the communion of Saints. People enrolled in the Fraternity are petitioned for during the shrine daily prayers, particularly in the Mass celebrated every day throughout the year for all members of the Fraternity, whether deceased or still living, at 08:00 am, on week days, and at 11 am on Sundays and Feast days.
Daily Perpetual Mass …
“This is the core of Montligeon: the perpetual Mass celebrated here at the shrine each day for all the enrollees of the Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon, and for the most forgotten souls.
In other words, the Fraternity
of Montligeon represents…
On a daily basis, five Masses celebrated at the shrine itself, and at the Trappists Abbey of Soligny, (France) at the Lazarist monastery of Panningen (NL), in Brazzaville (Republic of Congo), as well as at St. Michael’s Abbey in Farnborough (UK) and in Guatemala.
In addition, it also involves the prayer of 30 000 associates, committed to praying for the members of the Fraternity.
Furthermore, over 1250 Our Lady Of Montligeon prayer groups meet at least on a monthly basis to pray the Rosary for the members of the Fraternity.
5 daily Masses
Over 30 000 praying associates
Montligeon Prayer Groups in 32 countries
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Why enroll someone in the
Fraternity of Montligeon?
Perpetual Mass
So as to benefit from the graces inherent to the perpetual Mass celebrated at the shrine since 1884, and from the prayer of the Montligeon Prayer Groups petitioning for the enrollees.
An act of love,
beyond death
Enrolling a deceased person in the Fraternity of Montligeon is a way of still demonstrating one’s love for them.
A spiritual gift
Offered to someone living, for example, as a gift for a birth, a first communion, a wedding or to someone in distress, etc., it represents a spiritual present that endures even beyond death.
Once someone is enrolled in the Montligeon Fraternity, their name is entered into a register which, in turn, at the end of the year, is brought in a procession to the basilica and entrusted to the imposing “orbituary” cabinet. The names of all people enrolled since the beginning of the charitable opus of Our Lady of Montligeon.
An act of faith in the Communion of Saints
Who can be enrolled in
the Fraternity of Montligeon?
A living or a deceased
You might enroll a loved one, a friend, a relative, or anyone, whether deceased or living, who might be in need of the prayers of the Fraternity. Even after they die, people enrolled remain members of the Fraternity of Montligeon and as such, they benefit from the prayer of the shrine and its associates.
The Fraternity of Montligeon is open to all. Self-enrolling prior to enrolling someone is not compulsory; yet it demonstrates faith in the communion of Saints. Thus, by means of enrolling someone in the Fraternity of Our Lady Liberator, may it be a deceased, a living, or self, I am assured that enrollees will be remembered in the various prayers and Mass offered at the shrine on a daily basis.
To help you pray for your loved ones in agony or upon demise
Enrolling or participating in the Fraternity? What difference?
You might wish to become a member of the Fraternity and enroll yourself. Thus you will benefit from the prayer of the shrine, and of its associates worldwide, in addition to the perpetual Mass celebrated everyday.
You might wish to join and become an active member of the Fraternity. Not only will you benefit from the prayer of the shrine and, in addition to the perpetual Mass celebrated everyday at the shrine, from the prayers of its associates worldwide, but you offer prayers and unite to that of the whole Fraternity, so that you contribute in your own way to the mystery of the communion of saints.
Beside, you might wish to join one of the 1250 Montligeon Prayer Groups worldwide.
About the genesis of the Fraternity of Montligeon
The Fraternity of Montligeon is open to all. Self-enrolling prior to enrolling someone is not compulsory; yet it demonstrates faith in the communion of Saints. Thus, by means of enrolling someone in the Fraternity of Our Lady Liberator, may it be a deceased, a living, or self, I am assured that enrollees will be remembered in the various prayers and Mass offered at the shrine on a daily basis.
A simple gesture towards Mary Liberator
A tangible act : Elizabeth’s testimony
Elizabeth shares her encountering with Our Lady of Montligeon. “I drove for 2 hours and found myself in a secluded spot in the middle of nowhere… As I reached the village, I heard on the radio ‘Although life goes on, it will end one day, and when I think about that, love overfills me…’ I thought to myself “All is well, Montligeon is thus welcoming me.”
A simple and personal charitable gesture
Enrolling in the Fraternity of Montligeon is a simple process, moreover it is done once and for all. You can do it online from home (access our form), or by postal mail, or at the reception desk whilst visiting the shrine. Enrolling is nominative, and individual, (not for a family – or a parish – cluster as such). Do not forget to state first and last names for each of the enrollees, and whether they are living or deceased. Do not omit to provide your full details so that we may forward the enrollment certificates.
An offering endeavour
Fr. Buguet wanted his Work of prayer for the poor souls to be the “Opus of the poor“. Thus, at the time, the token offering for enrolling someone was renewable. Its amount allowed everyone, even the most needy, to become “associates” of the Work. Nowadays, enrolment is final. It is no longer subject to a fixed contribution but to a free offering, which is paid once and for all.
Enrolling someone in the Montligeon Fraternity, you make manifest your personal charity towards them; furthermore, your offering enables the shrine of Montligeon to pursue its mission and to fulfill its vocation.
What difference with any other Mass offering?
Enrollment in the Fraternity is permanent and does not need to be repeated. Nevertheless, such a deed does not exclude other acts that will make manifest our faith in the communion of Saints. Offering Masses to the very same intent is always feasible, and can be completed at the shrine, at your parish, or wherever you may choose to.
In all cases, such an offering is significant and in doing so, benefactors ought to unite, in spirit or in person, with the intended Eucharistic celebration.