Category Death

What does the Church have to say about the salvation of children who died unchristened?

Que dit l'Eglise sur le salut des enfants morts sans baptême ?
Many bereaved parents whose infant died unchristened wonder about their outcome. Regardless of the cause of the death (miscarriage, abortion or stll-birth), can a child be saved if they were not christened? What is the Church's official position on the salvation of infants who died before they had a chance to receive baptism? We asked dom Jean Pateau, the abbot at Notre-Dame de Fontgombault, who wrote "Le Salut des enfants morts sans baptême" [The salvation of children who died unchristened"] (Artège, 2017).

The Apostolate for a Happy Death: to live well and die well

L'apostolat de la bonne mort : bien vivre et bien mourir
Praying for a good life and a happy death, such is the mission of the Fraternity of the Apostolate for a Happy Death in Poland. Three missionaries of the Holy Family have explained it to us on their visit to the Shrine.

Does death really have the final say?

One day, our lives will come to an end. This definite truth frightens us. As our society would like to hide death, play it down or even erase it, the fear is even greater. But does death really have the final say? Don Paul Denizot delivers a message for November.

Where are you, my darling girl? Alain’s testimonial

Dans la douceur du soir, nous avons rencontré Alain qui a garé son camping-car depuis quelques semaines au sanctuaire. Sa fille Marion a disparu en 2023 au cours d’un treck sur l’île de la Dominique. Comment survivre à une telle épreuve, à l’incertitude qui ronge et qui rend fou ? 
Avec simplicité, il nous a confié ses doutes et son espérance : «C’est le Christ qui m’aide à traverser les vallées profondes de la folie et de la mort.»

In the mild evening, we met Alain, at his camper van parked down the grounds below the shrine where he has been staying for a few weeks. His daughter Marion went missing in 2023 during a trek on the island…

Christelle, accepting the unacceptable

Christelle, accepter l'inacceptable
Quentin, Christelle's son killed himself aged 21. Christelle discovered Montligeon three years ago and came back in November 2023 to entrust her son to the Shrine's prayer. She told us her story and how she managed to accept the unacceptable.

The secrets of the resurrected bodies

2024-04-25 Les corps ressuscités donPierreGazeau-Benedicte de Saint-Germain
The Christians assert their faith in the Credo in proclaiming: "I believe in the resurrection of the flesh", which means the resurrection of the body. Therefore, at the end of times, everyone will recover their resurrected body, which is described as 'glorious'. What is the basis for such a belief? What are the secrets of resurrected bodies?

Addressing the questions raised by the end of life, with Alliance VITA

Les missions d'Alliance VITA, la rencontre avec Camille.

Alliance VITA, an organization dedicated to the preservation of human life and dignity, has been dealing with complex bioethical issues for 30 years. Camille, their communication manager, describes their special commitment, especially in relation to their end of life approach.…

Should you attend the cremation of a loved-one?

Nowadays, cremation has become commonplace. Is cremation forbidden by the Church? What is its meaning? Should we attend the cremation of a loved-one? Christian de Cacqueray, the founder of the Catholic Service of Funerals, gives his point of view.

Loosing a brother or a sister

Le deuil d'un frère, témoignage d'Amélie
"How are your parents?" was the question Amélie heard when her younger brother Dominique died in a car accident. Are you not allowed to be sad and to suffer when you loose your brother?

Death is the most important moment in life

La mort est le moment le plus important de la vie
No one dares think about death, yet many people came to Montligeon for the first "Preparing for death" session. Among them, Sylvie confided in us her feelings about death.