Category Catholic Radio

The ties between the living and the dead

Quels liens entre les vivants et les défunts ? Interview de don Patrick Pinard-Legry pour RCF Sanctuaires normands.

Death is merciless. It forces us to face the wall of the absence of a person who used to be part of our life, sometimes for many many years. We can no longer hear them or hug them. It is no longer possible to ask for their advice, to give them love or receive love from them. Apparently, all the links are severed. Is that so certain?

What does the Church have to say about the salvation of children who died unchristened?

Que dit l'Eglise sur le salut des enfants morts sans baptême ?

Many bereaved parents whose infant died unchristened wonder about their outcome. Regardless of the cause of the death (miscarriage, abortion or stll-birth), can a child be saved if they were not christened? What is the Church's official position on the salvation of infants who died before they had a chance to receive baptism? We asked dom Jean Pateau, the abbot at Notre-Dame de Fontgombault, who wrote "Le Salut des enfants morts sans baptême" [The salvation of children who died unchristened"] (Artège, 2017).

Where are our deceased?

Où sont nos défunts ? Interview de don Thomas Lapenne pour RCF

When we have lost a loved one we often wonder where they are, what they became. Are they happy where they are? RCF interviewed don Thomas Lapenne for the program Sanctuaires Normands.

Is confession necessary before dying?

Faut-il se confesser avant de mourir ?

On the threshold of death, or when we’re thinking about death, certain things can weigh heavily on us. For example, a forgiveness not given or a bad deed, an infidelity, a hurtful phrase, a refusal to love, etc. Is it…

What is the position of the Church regarding cremation?

Que pense l'Eglise de la crémation ?

Cremation is getting more and more popular in France, with over 40% deceased people incinerated nowadays. Yet this funeral practice raises some questions, especially in the French culture where burial used to be common practice. How does the Church regard…

Extreme unction vs. anointing the sick

Extreme-onction ou sacrement des malades

Is extreme unction the same thing as anointing the sick? Vatican II has broadened the understanding of the sacrament of extreme unction. As a result, today the sacrament of anointing the sick is no longer restricted to the dying. Interviewed…

Can you serve your purgatory on earth?

Peut-on faire son purgatoire sur la terre ?

People who are going through ordeals, including non-believers, claim they are serving their purgatory on earth. Are there any grounds to such a belief? In other words, can we serve our purgatory during this life? Don Paul Denizot, interviewed for the program Sanctuaires normands on RCF, clarifies the matter.

The super powers of resurrected bodies

Les super pouvoirs des corps ressuscités

Trying to figure out what will happen after the resurrection of the dead is quite tricky. However, a few things can be said about them, and their capacities can be described. Interviewing don Pierre Gazeau for RCF Radio.

The secrets of the resurrected bodies

2024-04-25 Les corps ressuscités donPierreGazeau-Benedicte de Saint-Germain

The Christians assert their faith in the Credo in proclaiming: "I believe in the resurrection of the flesh", which means the resurrection of the body. Therefore, at the end of times, everyone will recover their resurrected body, which is described as 'glorious'. What is the basis for such a belief? What are the secrets of resurrected bodies?

How long shall we spend in purgatory?

Combien de temps va-t-on passer au purgatoire ?

Since purgatory is a preparatory stage to paradise, it would seem that we spend a certain amount of time there. But the most pressing question is: how much?