Category Homélie

Assumption homely by Msgr. Pierre-Antoine Bozo, Bishop of Limoges 

”Contrary to appearances, we are not the ones who are paying a visit to Mary at this shrine. She is the one visiting us!”, affirmed Monsignor Bozo, Bishop of Limoges (France) as he presided high Mass at the basilica on August 15, on the solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady. 

The eluding mystery of the Resurrection

Don Paul Denizot, homélie du dimanche de Pâques 2023
Pas facile de parler de la Résurrection ! Nous aimerions tellement comprendre le mystère de la Résurrection et il nous échappe… Homélie du dimanche de Pâques - Don Paul Denizot, recteur