Category Rector

After death, a necessary purification

Le purgatoire, une purification après la mort
Purgatory belongs to the Catholic faith. However, aspects of it can be found in other cultures and religions, which affirm that purification is necessary after death.

Are ghosts real?

Les fantômes existent-ils ?
Slamming doors, noisy shuffles, familars and other unexplained presence... the stories testifying of those strange, blood-curdling phenomena are countless. Are ghosts real? We asked don Paul Denizot, for the radio program RCF Sanctuaires normands.

Three tips to make the most of Advent

Trois conseils pour vivre l'Avent
At the start of the new liturgical year, Fr. Paul Denizot offers three tips to make the most of Advent. It is a special moment to consider time in faith, and as a positive reality. It is also an opportunity to clean up old habits. Finally, Advent is an invitation to step back and turn to people.

Montligeon Mission to Ireland

Mission de Montligeon en Irlande, mai 2023

Fr. Paul Denizot and Fr. Axel de Perthuis, both respectively rector and chaplain of the shrine of Montligeon, were invited to Ireland on 13 and 14 May 2023 to preach and facilitate a retreat at Termonbacca, the Carmelite retreat centre…

Montligeon mission in Canada

Mission don Paul Denizot au Canada mai- juin 2023
The rector of the shrine of Our Lady of deliverance of the poor souls, Fr. Paul Denizot, in Montligeon, travelled to Quebec for meetings with the Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon in Canada, and with several bishops and rectors of the main shrines there. Check out the pictures of the Montligeon mission in Canada.

Month of May, month of Mary

Notre-Dame Libératrice_ Basilique Notre Dame de Montligeon
Traditionally the month of May is dedicated to Mary. Mary is the Mother par excellence, whose motherly love nevers fails. Let us make use of the month of Mary to turn to her in confidence.

The eluding mystery of the Resurrection

Don Paul Denizot, homélie du dimanche de Pâques 2023
Pas facile de parler de la Résurrection ! Nous aimerions tellement comprendre le mystère de la Résurrection et il nous échappe… Homélie du dimanche de Pâques - Don Paul Denizot, recteur

Montligeon mission to the USA

2022-12-19 With Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York
In 1897, Fr. Buguet visited the United States where the spiritual charitable work he had initiated merely a few years earlier had diffused. Mid-December 2022, Fr. Paul Denizot, the rector of Montligeon followed his footsteps.