Category Rector

How long shall we spend in purgatory?

Combien de temps va-t-on passer au purgatoire ?
Since purgatory is a preparatory stage to paradise, it would seem that we spend a certain amount of time there. But the most pressing question is: how much?

Suffering at the end of life

La souffrance en fin de vie

We’re all afraid of suffering, and that’s normal. What about suffering at the end of life? What kind of suffering are we talking about? What about assisted suicide? Analysis by don Paul Denizot for the Sanctuaires normands program on RCF.…

Purgatory is not hell

Le purgatoire n'est pas l'enfer
Purgatory is not hell. It is the antechamber to paradise, and is both justice and mercy.

After death, a necessary purification

Le purgatoire, une purification après la mort
Purgatory belongs to the Catholic faith. However, aspects of it can be found in other cultures and religions, which affirm that purification is necessary after death.

Are ghosts real?

Les fantômes existent-ils ?
Slamming doors, noisy shuffles, familars and other unexplained presence... the stories testifying of those strange, blood-curdling phenomena are countless. Are ghosts real? We asked don Paul Denizot, for the radio program RCF Sanctuaires normands.