Category Souffrance

Where are you, my darling girl? Alain’s testimonial

Dans la douceur du soir, nous avons rencontré Alain qui a garé son camping-car depuis quelques semaines au sanctuaire. Sa fille Marion a disparu en 2023 au cours d’un treck sur l’île de la Dominique. Comment survivre à une telle épreuve, à l’incertitude qui ronge et qui rend fou ? 
Avec simplicité, il nous a confié ses doutes et son espérance : «C’est le Christ qui m’aide à traverser les vallées profondes de la folie et de la mort.»

In the mild evening, we met Alain, at his camper van parked down the grounds below the shrine where he has been staying for a few weeks. His daughter Marion went missing in 2023 during a trek on the island…

Extreme unction vs. anointing the sick

Extreme-onction ou sacrement des malades

Is extreme unction the same thing as anointing the sick? Vatican II has broadened the understanding of the sacrament of extreme unction. As a result, today the sacrament of anointing the sick is no longer restricted to the dying. Interviewed…

Can you serve your purgatory on earth?

Peut-on faire son purgatoire sur la terre ?

People who are going through ordeals, including non-believers, claim they are serving their purgatory on earth. Are there any grounds to such a belief? In other words, can we serve our purgatory during this life? Don Paul Denizot, interviewed for the program Sanctuaires normands on RCF, clarifies the matter.

Addressing the questions raised by the end of life, with Alliance VITA

Les missions d'Alliance VITA, la rencontre avec Camille.

Alliance VITA, an organization dedicated to the preservation of human life and dignity, has been dealing with complex bioethical issues for 30 years. Camille, their communication manager, describes their special commitment, especially in relation to their end of life approach.…

Loosing a brother or a sister

Le deuil d'un frère, témoignage d'Amélie

"How are your parents?" was the question Amélie heard when her younger brother Dominique died in a car accident. Are you not allowed to be sad and to suffer when you loose your brother?

Can we forgive the unforgivable?

Peut-on pardonner l'impardonnable ?

Melanie's life was ruined by narcissistic perverts. She wrote to the Shrine to express her incomprehension and inability to forgive. Here is her letter, along with Don Paul Denizot's answer. The fundamental question being: Can we forgive the unforgivable?

Four key tips to overcoming a long-lasting ordeal

Que faire quand la souffrance dure ?

It's possible to get through an ordeal. But what can you do when it takes hold: a long-term illness, bereavement, disability, a family rift? Interviewed for RCF Sanctuaires normands, Father Charles Lenoir, who has himself experienced burn-out, gives us 4 keys to overcoming the ordeal that lasts.

A space to take mourning into account, interview of Damien Le Guay

Damien Le Guay, philosophe, est vice-président du Comité national d'éthique du funéraire

Damien Le Guay stresses the importance of experiencing bereavement as a spiritual experience that encompasses both the religious and the psychic. He advocates for opening up spaces in society so that the psychic reality of bereavement can be fully acknowledged.