Category Témoignages

“Death does not scare me”

Je n'ai pas peur de mourir
Michèle Félix came all the way from Belgium. She shares her tetimony: she's not afraid to die. At Montligeon, she discovered that every mass prepares us for death.

The benefits of mass for the deceased

Les biensd
Viviane lost all her siblings, especially her twin brother. She remains the only believer in her family. She recounts how a mass celebrated for her deceased brother brought her peace.

When grief turns to anger

When her son dies of cancer, Josiane is angry. She recounts how she was soothed by a mourning break at Montligeon.

“Beyond death, resurrection” by Cardinal Ambongo

Cardinal Ambongo : "Au delà de la mort, il y a la résurrection"
The Archbishop of Kinshasa, Fridolin Cardinal Ambongo, was interviewed by Radio Maria Congo on 12 November 2023. For him, the shrine of Montligeon epitomizes the place where to be in communion with our brothers and sisters who have entered into the great mystery of death.

Mourning retreat in Montligeon


Coming from Guadeloupe, from Montreal or from Cabourg, Sylvia, Cathy and Vania came to the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon to take part in the comforting retreat for the bereaved, held from July 5 to 12, 2022. Why did…

Grieving the loss of a spouse

Marie Garat

Further to her husband’s death in a helicopter accident three years ago, Marie first came to the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon in 2021 to attend a bereavement retreat during the All Saints period. She came back with her…