Category Tuition

About the Resurrection – 2022 Paschal Vigil homily

Homélie de la Vigile Pascale

by Rev. Fr. Paul Denizot, on Saturday 16th April 2022 A German theologian said one day that the eventual miracle of a corpse brought back to life, would ultimately not matter since it would not impact our lives in the…

Antichrist who are you?

The figure of the antichrist is presented in the christian tradition, and even in Islam. What does “antichrist” mean? Who is he? What does the Roman Catholic Church say about him? How to avoid becoming one of his followers? Thus…

Mary, mother of hope in purgatory

Mary, sign of hope, for all human beings. Yet can she also touch souls in purgatory?   The Roman Catholic Church professes that Mary is the mother of all human beings. Tradition asserts that Mary attends souls in purgatory. Father Buguet…

Do we have to go to purgatory prior to entering Heaven?

Do we have to go to purgatory prior to entering Heaven?  A frightful perspective as we imagine purgatory to be a place of tremendous suffering. Yet it is a kind of “patching up” after death. What is it about? Behind…

Does Resurrection change life?

The resurrection of Christ is a truth of faith. Yet, in what tangible manner does the resurrection change my life? Does it alter anything as far as my body is concerned, or in my way of relating to others? Can…

Resurrection, reincarnation, what’s the difference?

Reincarnation or metempsychosis are trendy in our Western societies. These beliefs steeped in Buddhism and Hinduism confess an afterlife and a righteousness that rewards our acts at the end of our earthly life. This assertion is shared by the Christian…

What is the Fraternity of Montligeon ?

The Fraternity is at the core of the Work of Montligeon.  It brings together all the people recommended to the prayer of the shrine. Moreover, it represents an apostolate for all engaged in the Montligeon Prayer Groups. Landmarks by Rev. Fr. Martin…