The Community of St. Martin

Please check the complete Community of St. Martin’s website in English:

Since 2001, the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon has been entrusted to the priests of the Community of St. Martin.  

Serving at the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon

Present at the shrine since the mid-1990s, the Community of Saint-Martin originally came to help the then Rector in charge, Mgr André LECOQ. Subsequently, it was entrusted with the pastoral facilitation of  the whole shrine. Presently, 5 priests of the Community have been detached and serve at the shrine:  don Paul DENIZOT rector, don François KLUCZYNSKI,  don Bertrand LESOING and don Guillaume D’ANSELME, chaplains.

The Community of St Martin Rectors of the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon

Don Paul PRÉAUX (2001 – 2010)

Don Rémi BAZIN ( 2010 – 2011)

Mgr Jean-Marie LE GALL (2011 – 2015)

Don Jacques VAUTHERIN (2015 -2018)

Don Paul DENIZOT (2018 – )

A characteristic: living in community

Like the patronage of Saint Martin may suggest, living together and  mobility are the two main characteristics of the Community and its members. When sent on missions, priests and deacons are missioned as a cluster of at least three members, so as to live and work together and build effective brotherhood, both at spiritual and practical levels. Deeply rooted in praying together, especially singing the Divine Office every day, con-celebrating Holy Mass  and more commune life, in which breaking bread together at meal times  holds a major place.