The shrine that does good to souls

At Montligeon, we pray and encourage prayer for the deceased.

News of the shrine

Peut-on changer d'avis en enfer ? Don Thomas Lapenne

Can you change your mind once you are in hell?

Can the damned, the very people whom, in our imagination, are roasting in the fires of hell, change their mind after all? Find out more with Rev. Fr. Thomas Lapenne who refreshes a few truths on what hell is about, and how the dramatic possibility of ending there out of

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Soeur Cécile, lâcher prise pour mourir

Helping someone let go and pass away

Sometimes it takes only a few words to help someone let go and pass away. Drawing from her experience as a nurse and that of accompanying people at the end of life, Sister Cecilia recalls how a liberating cue allowed a dying woman to let go and pass away in

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Trois conseils pour vivre l'Avent

Three tips to make the most of Advent

At the start of the new liturgical year, Fr. Paul Denizot offers three tips to make the most of Advent. It is a special moment to consider time in faith, and as a positive reality. It is also an opportunity to clean up old habits. Finally, Advent is an invitation

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For the Press

Montligeon Photo Library Photo credits:© sanctuaire Notre-Dame de Montligeon (except when otherwise mentioned on the picture)to illustrate your articles. For any other use, please contact

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Free downloads

Download and print presentation booklets or specific meditations and prayers of the shrine, such as “Praying with Montligeon”. Let us unite in prayer, especially for

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Getting ready for death

The Montligeon Shrine provides spiritual coaching on the theme: “I am getting rady for death”. Three days to get ready for death, find the words

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The shrine that does good to souls At Montligeon, we pray and encourage prayer for the deceased. Discover News of the shrine Videos Play Play

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