The shrine that does good to souls

At Montligeon, we pray and encourage prayer for the deceased.

News of the shrine

Extreme-onction ou sacrement des malades
Catholic Radio

Extreme unction vs. anointing the sick

Is extreme unction the same thing as anointing the sick? Vatican II has broadened the understanding of the sacrament of extreme unction. As a result, today the sacrament of anointing the sick is no longer restricted to the dying. Interviewed by Guillaume Desanges for RCF radio program Sanctuaires normands, Don

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Christelle, accepter l'inacceptable

Christelle, accepting the unacceptable

Quentin, Christelle’s son killed himself aged 21. Christelle discovered Montligeon three years ago and came back in November 2023 to entrust her son to the Shrine’s prayer. She told us her story and how she managed to accept the unacceptable.

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Les animaux vont-ils au paradis
Chemin d’éternité Magazine

Do animals go to paradise?

Heaven is the fulfillment of our deepest longings, it is a state of supreme, definitive happiness. Therefore, we could logically claim that if our pet’s presence is conditional on our definitive happiness, we will find our pet in Heaven. Don Jacques Vautherin answers.

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Peut-on faire son purgatoire sur la terre ?
Catholic Radio

Can you serve your purgatory on earth?

People who are going through ordeals, including non-believers, claim they are serving their purgatory on earth. Are there any grounds to such a belief? In other words, can we serve our purgatory during this life? Don Paul Denizot, interviewed for the program Sanctuaires normands on RCF, clarifies the matter.

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For the Press

Montligeon Photo Library Photo credits:© sanctuaire Notre-Dame de Montligeon (except when otherwise mentioned on the picture)to illustrate your articles. For any other use, please contact

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Free downloads

Download and print presentation booklets or specific meditations and prayers of the shrine, such as “Praying with Montligeon”. Let us unite in prayer, especially for

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Getting ready for death

The Montligeon Shrine provides spiritual coaching on the theme: “I am getting rady for death”. Three days to get ready for death, find the words

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The shrine that does good to souls At Montligeon, we pray and encourage prayer for the deceased. Discover News of the shrine Videos Play Play

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