Tag défunts

How can we relate to our deceased?

Quel lien avec notre défunt ? Enseignement de soeur Cécile
The physical, sensitive bond with our loved-ones gets violently shattered when they die. When such destructive power hits, what then remains of our ties with the deceased?

Is praying for our dead and hoping they are saved incompatible?

Prière pour les défunts
We would love to know whether or not our deceased loved ones are in Heaven. Is praying for our deceased and hoping they are saved incompatible? If it is impossible to know, we must trust that they are in Heaven and pray for them tirelessly.

Should we talk about the dead to children ?

The death of a loved one affects so much the adults that they tend to not let their children know about it, so as to protect them. Very often, they remain silent and choose not to trigger off questions from their young ones. Should we talk to children about the dead?