Homilies and teachings given by Bp. Lalanne, Bp. Feillet, don Denizot, Bp. Gonsallo, Bp. Vuillemin at the pilgimages of Heaven 2024 can be accessed here.
The following is the full script of an homily given by Mgr Aristide Gonsallo, bishop of Porto-Novo in Benin, at the Mass of the pilgrimage on Nov. 3, 2024.
When we have lost a loved one we often wonder where they are, what they became. Are they happy where they are? RCF interviewed don Thomas Lapenne for the program Sanctuaires Normands.
Evelyne lives in the Essonne, near Paris. She comes very often to pray for her deceased family members. This time she came on a journey of forgiveness and explained how forgiving a deceased person can make you free.
What can we do for our deceased on the practical level, for our loved-ones who have departed? During the month of November which traditionally is devoted to praying for the deceased, Montligeon's suggests to do a pilgrimage. Why have a pilgrimage in November for a deceased?
The physical, sensitive bond with our loved-ones gets violently shattered when they die. When such destructive power hits, what then remains of our ties with the deceased?
Nowadays the feast of All Saints' Day often get mixed up with the Day of the Dead. What is the difference? What is the meaning of All Saints' Day? Why a Day of the Dead? Explinations by Rev. Fr. Paul Denizot.
We would love to know whether or not our deceased loved ones are in Heaven. Is praying for our deceased and hoping they are saved incompatible? If it is impossible to know, we must trust that they are in Heaven and pray for them tirelessly.
The death of a loved one affects so much the adults that they tend to not let their children know about it, so as to protect them. Very often, they remain silent and choose not to trigger off questions from their young ones. Should we talk to children about the dead?