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What is the best way to remember the deceased?

Ne pas oublier les défunts

Françoise and her husband come every year to Montligeon to pray for the deceased. Françoise is a mom who has lost her son, and for her, the deceased are still alive and should not be forgotten. We cannot forsake our…

The benefits of mass for the deceased

Les biensd

Viviane lost all her siblings, especially her twin brother. She remains the only believer in her family. She recounts how a mass celebrated for her deceased brother brought her peace.

How can we overcome the death of a friend?

Perdre un ami

Mourning a family member is commonly accepted. This is much less the case when it's a friend. What is the nature of this penalty? Don Thomas Lapenne's answer on RCF's Sanctuaires normands program.

Month of May, month of Mary

Notre-Dame Libératrice_ Basilique Notre Dame de Montligeon

Traditionally the month of May is dedicated to Mary. Mary is the Mother par excellence, whose motherly love nevers fails. Let us make use of the month of Mary to turn to her in confidence.

Is praying for our dead and hoping they are saved incompatible?

Prière pour les défunts

We would love to know whether or not our deceased loved ones are in Heaven. Is praying for our deceased and hoping they are saved incompatible? If it is impossible to know, we must trust that they are in Heaven and pray for them tirelessly.