The shrine that does good to souls

At Montligeon, we pray and encourage prayer for the deceased.

News of the shrine

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Praying for deceased infants : a testimony of hope

Clémence is a midwife. Through her job, she attends parents who have lost their babies at birth and knows what a devastating experience it can be. This has convinced her that she should take care of deceased infants. This is her testimony.

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I trust that my son is near Christ

“Arnaud held my hand tight in his – and next he left. To me, his farewell felt like he’s said ‘I love you.’ That day of June 25, 2023 will remain etched in Brigitte’s memory forever. This was when her son Arnaud, 52; who had been severely handicapped, entered eternal

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Voeux de don Paul Denizot, recteur du sanctuaire

Holy year 2025

Dear friends, This year 2024, Christmas opens the Year of Hope, as decided by Pope Francis. As a jubilary place in the diocese, Notre-Dame-de-Montligeon offers itself as a pilgrimage destination for us, pilgrims of hope. This is an opportunity to meditate on what hope really is. It cannot be reduced

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Quels liens entre les vivants et les défunts ? Interview de don Patrick Pinard-Legry pour RCF Sanctuaires normands.

The ties between the living and the dead

Death is merciless. It forces us to face the wall of the absence of a person who used to be part of our life, sometimes for many many years. We can no longer hear them or hug them. It is no longer possible to ask for their advice, to give

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Eucharistie de la messe de Noël.

Homily by don Paul Denizot for the Christmas Eve mass

Christmas – at least all the finicky details surrounding Christmas – often causes some tension. In my family, the tensions are related to the preparations: who will make the much desired Christmas log, even if there is not much time for it, or if the result might be hazardous? There

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Exposition de l'ostention de la Sainte Tunique dans le hall du sanctuaire Notre Dame de Montligeon.

Exhibition : The Ostentation of the Holy Tunic of Christ

On 21-29 December, 2025, the exhibition called “Ostentation of the Holy Tunic of Christ”, the garment Jesus was wearing during his Passion, will be visible in the entrance hall of the Montligeon shrine, at normal opening times. The previous ostentation, which took place back in 2016 in Argenteuil, had drawn

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A loved one is dying

A loved one is dying and I can’t be at his (her) bedside… Such a situation causes distress. However, Christian faith offers much hope. We

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After death

What awaits us after death? Hell, purgatory, heaven? Here are three teachings given for All Saints’ Day 2023 by don Paul Denizot, rector of the

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