Category Faith

Purgatory is a place of healing

Don Paul Denizot, le Purgatoire dans tous ses états.
Purgatory is often frightening. Yet in the Catholic tradition, it is above all a place of healing and purification. The sanctuary at Montligeon, dedicated to praying for the dead, offers a chance to rediscover this.

Can you change your mind once you are in hell?

Peut-on changer d'avis en enfer ? Don Thomas Lapenne
Can the damned, the very people whom, in our imagination, are roasting in the fires of hell, change their mind after all? Find out more with Rev. Fr. Thomas Lapenne who refreshes a few truths on what hell is about, and how the dramatic possibility of ending there out of one's free will engages one's responsibility in one's daily life.

Helping someone let go and pass away

Soeur Cécile, lâcher prise pour mourir
Sometimes it takes only a few words to help someone let go and pass away. Drawing from her experience as a nurse and that of accompanying people at the end of life, Sister Cecilia recalls how a liberating cue allowed a dying woman to let go and pass away in peace.

Three tips to make the most of Advent

Trois conseils pour vivre l'Avent
At the start of the new liturgical year, Fr. Paul Denizot offers three tips to make the most of Advent. It is a special moment to consider time in faith, and as a positive reality. It is also an opportunity to clean up old habits. Finally, Advent is an invitation to step back and turn to people.

Hope does not disappoint! Cardinal Fridolin Ambogo

Fridolin Cardinal AMBONGO BESUNGU, OFM Cap
Archevêque Métropolitain de Kinshasa
Find out more about the message Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, Archbishop of Kinshasa, addressed to the pilgrims whilst guest of honour at the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon on Sunday 12th November 2023.

Pilgrimage for the deceased with Cardinal Fridolin Ambogo

Le cardinal Fridolin Ambogo, archevêque de Kinshasa présidait le pèlerinage du Ciel du 12 novembre 2023 au sanctuaire Notre-Dame de Montligeon
The Archbishop of Kinshasa was at the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon to preside on Sunday 12th November 2023. Surrounded by a crowd of pilgrims from all walks of life, he addressed all with a message of hope.

The Four Last Things from a Catholic perspective

We only but just celebrated All Saints Day on 1st November, followed by All Souls Day on 2nd November. A great opportunity to revisit fundamentals of our faith in eternal life

Why enrol in the Fraternity of Montligeon?

Enrolling people in the Montligeon Fraternity, Adrianna knows all about it! She does regularly enrol in it both the deceased and the living. She tells us why.