Category Faith
Should we talk about the dead to children ?
Origin of the celebration of All Souls Day
Every year, the day after All Saints Day, on 2nd November, the Roman Catholic Church calls to pray for the deceased. This feast in commemoration of the faithful departed, is usually called the “Day of the dead”. How did it…
Is the resurrection of the body a myth?
The resurrection has been debated ever since the beginning of the Church. Is the resurrection of the body a myth? What is the belief in the resurrection of the body grounded on? If Jesus rose from the dead, can we…
Dads’ pilgrimage and trekking to Montligeon, on Sunday July 3, 2022
Death in regard to Second Vatican Council
At first glance, death seems to be the consequence of illness, or that of an accident, or of unavoidable old age. Yet, the real cause of death is not biological but spiritual. What does the Catholic Church say about death,…
La surprise de la résurrection – homélie de la messe de Pâques 2022
Don Guillaume d’Anselme Chapelain au sanctuaire de Montligeon Je peux déjà vous annoncer la date : ce sera le dimanche 9 avril ! L’année prochaine, nous rentrerons en carême le mercredi 22 février ; nous célèbrerons la Cène le 6…
Visiting Montligeon Prayer Groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo
The Rector of the shrine Montligeon, Fr. Paul Denizot together with Fr. Guillaume d’Anselme, chaplain at the shrine, travelled to the Democratic Republic of Congo in February 2022 in order to meet with as well as initiate new Montligeon Prayer…
About the Resurrection – 2022 Paschal Vigil homily
by Rev. Fr. Paul Denizot, on Saturday 16th April 2022 A German theologian said one day that the eventual miracle of a corpse brought back to life, would ultimately not matter since it would not impact our lives in the…
What can one do after the demise of a beloved? Encounter Oliver.
What can one do after the demise of a beloved? Four months after his spouse’s demise, Oliver travelled with his children from Ivory Coast to Montligeon. Why make such a step? Why come to Montligeon? Listen to his testimony. Why…