Category Hope

The super powers of resurrected bodies

Les super pouvoirs des corps ressuscités
Trying to figure out what will happen after the resurrection of the dead is quite tricky. However, a few things can be said about them, and their capacities can be described. Interviewing don Pierre Gazeau for RCF Radio.

The secrets of the resurrected bodies

2024-04-25 Les corps ressuscités donPierreGazeau-Benedicte de Saint-Germain
The Christians assert their faith in the Credo in proclaiming: "I believe in the resurrection of the flesh", which means the resurrection of the body. Therefore, at the end of times, everyone will recover their resurrected body, which is described as 'glorious'. What is the basis for such a belief? What are the secrets of resurrected bodies?

Death is the most important moment in life

La mort est le moment le plus important de la vie
No one dares think about death, yet many people came to Montligeon for the first "Preparing for death" session. Among them, Sylvie confided in us her feelings about death.

How can we relate to our deceased?

Quel lien avec notre défunt ? Enseignement de soeur Cécile
The physical, sensitive bond with our loved-ones gets violently shattered when they die. When such destructive power hits, what then remains of our ties with the deceased?

Four key tips to overcoming a long-lasting ordeal

Que faire quand la souffrance dure ?
It's possible to get through an ordeal. But what can you do when it takes hold: a long-term illness, bereavement, disability, a family rift? Interviewed for RCF Sanctuaires normands, Father Charles Lenoir, who has himself experienced burn-out, gives us 4 keys to overcoming the ordeal that lasts.

Hope does not disappoint! Cardinal Fridolin Ambogo

Fridolin Cardinal AMBONGO BESUNGU, OFM Cap
Archevêque Métropolitain de Kinshasa
Find out more about the message Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, Archbishop of Kinshasa, addressed to the pilgrims whilst guest of honour at the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon on Sunday 12th November 2023.

Pilgrimage for the deceased with Cardinal Fridolin Ambogo

Le cardinal Fridolin Ambogo, archevêque de Kinshasa présidait le pèlerinage du Ciel du 12 novembre 2023 au sanctuaire Notre-Dame de Montligeon
The Archbishop of Kinshasa was at the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon to preside on Sunday 12th November 2023. Surrounded by a crowd of pilgrims from all walks of life, he addressed all with a message of hope.