Category Theology
Do animals go to paradise?
The super powers of resurrected bodies
The secrets of the resurrected bodies
The Four Last Things from a Catholic perspective
Theology sessions and spiritual breaks
The shrine of Our Lady of Deliverance of the Holy Souls in Montligeon organises each year several theology sessions and spiritual breaks. Such opportunities allow both for taking a restful break at the shrine and for food for thoughts with…
Is the resurrection of the body a myth?
The resurrection has been debated ever since the beginning of the Church. Is the resurrection of the body a myth? What is the belief in the resurrection of the body grounded on? If Jesus rose from the dead, can we…
When will the end of the age take place?
Is purgatory a truth of the catholic faith?
Purgatory remains unheeded as far as the 21st century is concerned. Who still talks of purgatory nowadays? Is it real? Is purgatory a truth of the catholic faith? Guidelines by Fr. Paul Denizot. Nowadays, talking about purgatory is no easy…
Death in regard to Second Vatican Council
At first glance, death seems to be the consequence of illness, or that of an accident, or of unavoidable old age. Yet, the real cause of death is not biological but spiritual. What does the Catholic Church say about death,…