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How do you overcome the death of a friend?

Mourning a family member is commonly accepted. This is much less the case when it's a friend. What is the nature of this penalty? Don Thomas Lapenne's answer on RCF's Sanctuaires normands program.

A poor man’s heart?

Coeur de pauvre
"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."  The Gospel recommends not to get blinded by material goods but to rather seek prayer and humility instead…

Getting through the stages of mourning: is it easier when you are a Christian?

Etre chrétien facilite-t-il le travail de deuil
Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross identified 5 stages experienced by the kin: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Sister Cecilia would rather speak of the various “states” in mourning, because the course – or rather the courses – involved in mourning are not undeviating. Moreover, emotions can play hide and seek and often waiver from one to another as well as be overwhelming.

Is the resurrection of the body a myth?

La résurrection est-elle une invention

The resurrection has been debated ever since the beginning of the Church. Is the resurrection of the body a myth? What is the belief in the resurrection of the body grounded on? If Jesus rose from the dead, can we…

Bikers to be blessed in Montligeon

2021Bénédiction des motards à Montligeon

Bikers are invited to come to the basilica of Montligeon on Sunday 26 June, at 11 am. Mass will be celebrated to their special intention. Ensuing Mass, blessing of bikers and their motorbikes will take place in front of the…

Montligeon on US EWTN TV leading show: “Women of Grace”

On EWTN “Women of Grace” on Jan. 03, 04 & 05, 2022. In addition to EWTN Live with Fr. Mitch in December, the shrine was highlighted by Johnnette Benkovic Williams, the famous and popular host of “Women of Grace” TV…

Americans spotlight a unique shrine in France

Americans spotlight a unique shrine in France

Further to 2 years work and untiring efforts to renew a century of friendship with the USA, and with the unfailing support of Susan Tassone the Holy Souls Champion, the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon, world center of prayer…