Can we expect to encounter our loved ones after we die?

Purgatory remains unheeded as far as the 21st century is concerned. Who still talks of purgatory nowadays? Is it real? Is purgatory a truth of the catholic faith? Guidelines by Fr. Paul Denizot. Nowadays, talking about purgatory is no easy…
The shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon is the world center of prayer for the Holy Souls and of Christian Hope. What is more, and ever since 1884, it has been focusing on praying especially for the deceased recommended to…
The pilgrimage in memory of the deceased little ones will take place on 24th April 2022 in Montligeon. The basilica of Our Lady of Montligeon presents a chapel specially devoted to the unborn. Also offered within the grounds of the…
Further to 2 years work and untiring efforts to renew a century of friendship with the USA, and with the unfailing support of Susan Tassone the Holy Souls Champion, the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon, world center of prayer…
On November 2nd, we pray for the dead. Let us all be in communion and pray for the dead. It is neither too late nor ever useless to do so. On November 2nd, we pray for the dead. For what…