Tag Montligeon

Why enrol in the Fraternity of Montligeon?

Enrolling people in the Montligeon Fraternity, Adrianna knows all about it! She does regularly enrol in it both the deceased and the living. She tells us why.

Msgr Bozo: why should we fight against euthanasia and assisted suicide?

Monseigneur Bozo : combattre l'euthanasie et le suicide assisté
This autumn, France will look into a law project aiming at legalising assisted suicide and euthanasia. Why should we fight it and how? Because legalisation of euthanasia and assisted suicide, which, contrary to common belief, is currently practised by only a handful of countries worldwide represents an absolute break with our way of living in society

What will become of our body at the resurrection of the dead?

Que deviendra notre corps à la résurrection de la chair ?
"I believe in the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting; and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come." So does confess Catholic faith. Yet, in what kind of "body" are we to undergo resurrection? What will become of our body then?

Montligeon Mission to Ireland

Mission de Montligeon en Irlande, mai 2023

Fr. Paul Denizot and Fr. Axel de Perthuis, both respectively rector and chaplain of the shrine of Montligeon, were invited to Ireland on 13 and 14 May 2023 to preach and facilitate a retreat at Termonbacca, the Carmelite retreat centre…

Montligeon mission in Canada

Mission don Paul Denizot au Canada mai- juin 2023
The rector of the shrine of Our Lady of deliverance of the poor souls, Fr. Paul Denizot, in Montligeon, travelled to Quebec for meetings with the Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon in Canada, and with several bishops and rectors of the main shrines there. Check out the pictures of the Montligeon mission in Canada.

Theology sessions and spiritual breaks

Sessions de théologie et pauses spirituelles

The shrine of Our Lady of Deliverance of the Holy Souls in Montligeon organises each year several theology sessions and spiritual breaks. Such opportunities allow both for taking a restful break at the shrine and for food for thoughts with…

Month of May, month of Mary

Notre-Dame Libératrice_ Basilique Notre Dame de Montligeon
Traditionally the month of May is dedicated to Mary. Mary is the Mother par excellence, whose motherly love nevers fails. Let us make use of the month of Mary to turn to her in confidence.

Can we expect to encounter our loved ones after we die?

Au ciel, revoir ceux que nous avons aimés ?
Christians believe in the resurrection of the body and in life everlasting. Indeed, the deceased are well alive in heaven. Faced with death, one might doubt such a reality, especially so as most often demise is experienced as a breach in relationships. In such a context, after we die, will we see our loved ones?

Biker’s testimony

Témoignage de motard

Every year, the shrine of Montligeon holds a blessing ceremony for bikers. In 2023, it will be on 25th June. Such a ceremony is most meaningful to motorcyclists, even non-believers, who all have either been in a motorbike accident themselves…