The Apostolate for a Happy Death: to live well and die well

Praying for a good life and a happy death, such is the mission of the Fraternity of the Apostolate for a Happy Death in Poland. Three missionaries of the Holy Family have explained it to us on their visit to the Shrine.

The missionaries of the Holy Family, whose founder was born in France, serve the Apostolate for a Happy Death.

Why “live an die well”?

The Apostolate for a Happy Death is a praying fraternity whose members pray to live well an die well. Indeed, in order to have a happy death, you need to have a good life on this earth to make sure you are ready for the encounter with God. To have a happy death implies to be reconciled with God and with all our relationships whilst having faith in eternal life.

This Apostolate, which was created in France in the diocese of Sées, was then reunited to the Notre Dame de Montligeon shrine, because the last priest looking after it was too isolated and tired.

500,000 members

In Poland, only two priests are responsible for the Apostolate for a Happy Death. Father Zbigniew Rycerz in particular, preaches on this matter in some parishes. However the organization has registered over 500,000 members since 1987. Anyone may register after their first communion. You can also register people provided they accept to be prayed for by the Work.

The Apostolate has three levels of commitment

  1. First level: All you do is register to request the protection of the Blessed Mother of God at the time of your death. This grants you the prayer of all the members of the Apostolate to ensure a happy death.
  2. Second level: You commit to pray for other people with a simple prayer: three Hail Mary each day plus an invocation to Saint Joseph.
  3. Third level: The people who commit at this level additionally do a self-examination, confess their sins and offer a mass each day for all the members of the association.

Each Saturday, the priests celebrate a mass for all the members of the Apostolate.

When we, members of the Apostolate, see someone convert before their death, we say: “They have risen for eternal life”.

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