On 18 September 2016, Msgr. Habert, Bishop of the diocese of Séez, entrusted the nuns of the Communauté de la Nouvelle Alliance (Community of the New Convenant) with a mission letter, thus confirming 16 years of service at the shrine of Montligeon, amongst other diocesan places. In the year 2000, the Community had started a thorough service at the shrine especially with supporting divine office facilitation and spiritual counsel.
The Community of the New Convenant was founded in 1994 by Mother Marie-Aimée, and erected in the diocese of Séez by Msgr. DUBIGEON. The nuns settled in the village of La Chapelle-Montligeon and developed both a contemplative and missionary life, focused on the adoration and proclaiming the divine presence in the Holy Host, in particular God’s Merciful Love. In 2000, they took up from the Benedictines of Montmartre with the facilitation of the spiritual life of the shrine. En 2006, the Bishop of Séez urges them to settle permanently in the village; thus, the construction of their first priory began soon after.
Sr. Cécile, prioress of the Community.
For love of the Eucharist and praying for the deceased
The nuns of the New Convenant live together in a priory according to the rule of Saint Paul of the Cross, founder of the Passionists. You will easily recognize them in their cream and bordeaux colored habit, symbolizing that of bread and wine. For the liturgy at the basilica, they wear a white habit.
Since 2006 and the bishop’s invitation to settle in the village, the nuns of the New Convenant have endorsed the vocation of the shrine of Montligeon with praying for the deceased. The Eucharist is indeed their treasure! Riches that they share in a kind of secret fertility with the living and the departed, by means of daily Mass, two Adoration schedules a day, and praying the divine office seven times a day, either at the basilica or at their priory, always in the presence of the Holy Host. *
This presence is updated throughout the day by “Eucharistic attitudes” that Pope John Paul II invited to re-discover and to live of, by means of praising and thanksgiving, lectio divina, communion, and mission.
Both a contemplative and a missionary life
The nuns, in solitude and silence, thus lead a contemplative life according to the rule of St. Paul of the Cross, in a priory in a magnificent environment, close to nature. Through their hand work – bookbinding, sewing, cooking, gardening, household tasks, making jams, etc. – they intensify their union with God in order to offer his Merciful Love during their missions.
Our bishop has defined these missions in relation to the various themes highlighted throughout the diocese:
Supporting Predication
- facilitating sessions, among which those on offer at the shrine of Montligeon
- partaking in missions as and when requested by the diocesean parishes, developing various themes such as the Eucharist, praying with children, young people or adults, through constituting training groups on spiritual life for the young people further to their partaking in World Youth Days).
- prayer life
- facilitation of vigils during the main pilgrimages
and, during the Summer, facilitating vespers in local rural village parish churches.
- spiritual counseling
- visiting the sick
- compassionate supporting of people undergoing bereavement, or in grief or in distress
Called to follow Christ Jesus:
The Sisters and the shrine of Montligeon
The Sisters of the New Convenant are at the core of the spiritual life at the shrine through their facilitation and their partaking in its various activities:
- facilitation of sessions for bereaved people,
- facilitation of prayer vigils,
- Tuition and/or facilitation of activities on offer at the shrine,
- Spiritual counseling
- Support at the religious bookstore of the shrine
- Tuition, witnessing, and group activities for constituted groups of pilgrims,
- organizing groups schedules,
- facilitation of the divine office prayers at the shrine,
- service at the sacristy
- participating to the magazine of the shrine,
- etc.
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