Category Death

Brother Luke of Tibhirine and death

Dom Thomas Georgeon, Frère Luc de Tibhirine et la mort
Bro. Luke was one of the seven Trappist monks of Tibhirine murdered in 1996 in Algeria. His writings reveal his perception of death, his hope as well as his fearlessness with regards to dying. Through his writings, he left us a piece of good news regarding death.

Should we talk about the dead to children ?

The death of a loved one affects so much the adults that they tend to not let their children know about it, so as to protect them. Very often, they remain silent and choose not to trigger off questions from their young ones. Should we talk to children about the dead?

Grieving the loss of a spouse

Marie Garat

Further to her husband’s death in a helicopter accident three years ago, Marie first came to the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon in 2021 to attend a bereavement retreat during the All Saints period. She came back with her…

What hope after the suicide of a loved one?

À Montligeon, nous accueillons dans les haltes-deuil de plus en plus de personnes qui ont perdu un proche par suicide. L’Église condamne-t-elle le suicide ? Ces personnes sont-elles sauvées ?

Is the resurrection of the body a myth?

La résurrection est-elle une invention

The resurrection has been debated ever since the beginning of the Church. Is the resurrection of the body a myth? What is the belief in the resurrection of the body grounded on? If Jesus rose from the dead, can we…

Looking at death in the face

Isabelle Serey animatrice du parcours Omega à Montligeon

Looking at death in the face. Such was Isabelle’s feeling during the spell of her grievous illness. This ordeal, which at first was a source of anguish induced a conversion. Co-founder of the Omega course, a pathway for getting closer…

Death in regard to Second Vatican Council

At first glance, death seems to be the consequence of illness, or that of an accident, or of unavoidable old age. Yet, the real cause of death is not biological but spiritual. What does the Catholic Church say about death,…