Why I deciced to donate a slate to Montligeon

The shrine of Montligeon is calling to offer roof slates to replace the original ones dating back to 1903, and proposes to have them customised to your name or that of a loved one. This approach particularly touched a donor. She explains why she decided to donate a slate to Montligeon.

“I am in the line of my grand-parents builders”

This happened shortly after the shrine launched the proposal to donate for slates in order to renovate the roof of the basilica. A lady telephoned to the reception desk. She had decided to offer several slates and gave us her testimony about the significance of her gesture:

“I remembered that my grandparents had bought a stone towards the construction of the basilica of Montmartre. That’s why your proposal touches me so, and I am most happy to follow in their steps.”

Indeed, the basilica of Montmartre in Paris, France came about as the result of a vow taken in 1871 by two ardent Catholics. They had in mind to ” have in Paris a shrine dedicated to the Sacred Heart”, in reparation for sins and to ask for God’s help in the misfortunes that were afflicting France.

One of them then proposed to the French people to partake in a national subscription. They could buy a stone on which their name would be engraved. The operation was a success and the construction of the basilica of Montmartre was already on its way in 1875.

Twenty years later, Fr. Buguet initiates the erection of the basilica of Montligeon. Once more, small donations poured in and helped this neo-gothic treasure to emerge from the ground.

Urgent: the old roof slates need replacement

Today the basilica is over one hundred years old, replacing the slate roof top is more than urgent. Alike the subscribers of Montmartre, alike the builders of Montligeon, you too can become a hope builder!

The basilica in construction

Construction of the Basilica of Our Lady of Montligeon circa 1900.
Construction of the Basilica of Our Lady of Montligeon circa 1900.

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