Category Eschatology

Can you change your mind once you are in hell?

Peut-on changer d'avis en enfer ? Don Thomas Lapenne
Can the damned, the very people whom, in our imagination, are roasting in the fires of hell, change their mind after all? Find out more with Rev. Fr. Thomas Lapenne who refreshes a few truths on what hell is about, and how the dramatic possibility of ending there out of one's free will engages one's responsibility in one's daily life.

Hope does not disappoint! Cardinal Fridolin Ambogo

Fridolin Cardinal AMBONGO BESUNGU, OFM Cap
Archevêque Métropolitain de Kinshasa
Find out more about the message Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, Archbishop of Kinshasa, addressed to the pilgrims whilst guest of honour at the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon on Sunday 12th November 2023.

The Four Last Things from a Catholic perspective

We only but just celebrated All Saints Day on 1st November, followed by All Souls Day on 2nd November. A great opportunity to revisit fundamentals of our faith in eternal life

Can on go to Heaven without being baptised?

Peut-on aller au ciel sans baptême
« En dehors de l'Église, point de salut ». Cet adage apparaît pour beaucoup, en cette première moitié du XXIᵉ siècle, comme légèrement étroit d'esprit. Pour poser la question autrement : peut-on aller au ciel sans baptême ?

Why enrol in the Fraternity of Montligeon?

Enrolling people in the Montligeon Fraternity, Adrianna knows all about it! She does regularly enrol in it both the deceased and the living. She tells us why.

What will become of our body at the resurrection of the dead?

Que deviendra notre corps à la résurrection de la chair ?
"I believe in the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting; and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come." So does confess Catholic faith. Yet, in what kind of "body" are we to undergo resurrection? What will become of our body then?

Theology sessions and spiritual breaks

Sessions de théologie et pauses spirituelles

The shrine of Our Lady of Deliverance of the Holy Souls in Montligeon organises each year several theology sessions and spiritual breaks. Such opportunities allow both for taking a restful break at the shrine and for food for thoughts with…

When will the end of the age take place?

Quand aura lieu la fin des temps ? Don Thomas Lapenne
Jesus entrusted the Apostles with positive and negative signs with regard to the end of time. He also showed what attitude should one have with regard to such a perspective.

The Communion of Saints, the unfamiliar treasure

What is the communion of saints? It is like an immense love bank that connects Heaven, earth and the deceased in purgatory. Christ is the Chief and He seeks to get us partake in one another’s salvation. The communion of…