Category Eschatology

On November 2nd, we pray for the dead

On November 2nd, we pray for the dead. Let us all be in communion and pray for the dead. It is neither too late nor ever useless to do so. On November 2nd, we pray for the dead. For what…

The significance of All Saints Day

On 1st November, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates All Saints Day. In a world at a loss for meaning, what is the significance of All Saints Day? What is the significance of All Saints Day? We live in a world…

Angels and demons, what role do they play?

The Church has always recognized the existence of angels and demons. Yet, what incidence do they have in our lives? Can a demon influence us and bring us to do evil? Can a good angel protect us and help us…

Does Resurrection change life?

The resurrection of Christ is a truth of faith. Yet, in what tangible manner does the resurrection change my life? Does it alter anything as far as my body is concerned, or in my way of relating to others? Can…

Resurrection, reincarnation, what’s the difference?

Reincarnation or metempsychosis are trendy in our Western societies. These beliefs steeped in Buddhism and Hinduism confess an afterlife and a righteousness that rewards our acts at the end of our earthly life. This assertion is shared by the Christian…

What becomes of love after death?

Don Thomas Lapenne au micro de Guillaume Desanges pour RCF.

Death is a scandal. It is not meant to be associated with humane love for, when one loves, it is forever! What becomes of love after death? Is it severed once and for all? Rev. Fr. Don Thomas answers, at…