Category Miscellaneous

A poor man’s heart?

Coeur de pauvre
"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."  The Gospel recommends not to get blinded by material goods but to rather seek prayer and humility instead…

Personalised roof tiles for Montligeon

Une ardoise personnalisée pour Montligeon

The Sisters of the New Covenant personalise the slates offered by donors, which will be placed in the roof of basilica and replace the ancient ones dating back to 1903. What is the significance of such a gesture? Sr. Catherine…

Montligeon mission to the USA

2022-12-19 With Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York
In 1897, Fr. Buguet visited the United States where the spiritual charitable work he had initiated merely a few years earlier had diffused. Mid-December 2022, Fr. Paul Denizot, the rector of Montligeon followed his footsteps.