Death is the most important moment in life

No one dares think about death, yet many people came to Montligeon for the first "Preparing for death" session. Among them, Sylvie confided in us her feelings about death.

Although no one dares think about death, the first coaching session themed “Getting prepared for death” attracted a lot of people. Among them, Sylvie confided in us and told us how she felt about death. She thinks that death is the most important moment in life, and it is a good idea to get prepared for it.

“Death is the deadline that unites us all. In the end, it’s the only thing we have in common. We all know we’ll die one day, but fortunately we don’t know when, where or how. It’s a mystery and a surprise.”

Death is the most important moment in life

I think death is the most important moment in life. It is not birth, because you cannot remember birth, you cannot control it. Whereas death is a crucial moment. It is when we will find ourselves before Christ during the particular judgment, where the whole decision will depend on the life we had.

Its time to get ready

You need to get prepared for death. In the Middle Age, people used to get prepared for their death. They wanted to remain conscious while it took place. Nowadays, it is quite the opposite. Most people would like to die in their sleep without realizing what is going on. Yet, even if we die in our sleep, we will still be conscious before Christ for the particular judgment.

I am currently on my way to Benedictine oblation, and I reflect on the rule of Saint Benedict. “Have death before your eyes every day“, he wrote; and “In every place, know with certainty that you are under God’s gaze“. Not under the gaze of a God who watches over us or punishes us, but a God who sees us in loving appreciation. His loving gaze reminds us of our duty as Christians, or as human beings –being good to others and to ourselves. And being truly aware that we are creatures and that God awaits us ‘on the other side’.”

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