The shrine that does good to souls

At Montligeon, we pray and encourage prayer for the deceased.

News of the shrine

Pourquoi un certificat de la Fraternité Notre-

Why a certificate from the Fraternité de Montligeon?

When you recommend someone to the Fraternité Notre-Dame de Montligeon, you receive a certificate of registration. What is its meaning? Sister Marie-Émilie, secretary of the Œuvre de Montligeon, explains why the certificate of the Fraternité de Montligeon is the visible sign of a gesture made in the Invisible world.

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Que penser des révélations privées ?
Chemin d’éternité Magazine

How should private revelations be appreciated?

Some prophecies, apparitions and messages from Christ, Mary or the saints, often apocalyptic in tone, seem to be have become very popular. Over the past twenty centuries, the Church has recognized only a handful of these and dismissed a significant number. How should private revelations be appreciated? Are they really

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Dans la douceur du soir, nous avons rencontré Alain qui a garé son camping-car depuis quelques semaines au sanctuaire. Sa fille Marion a disparu en 2023 au cours d’un treck sur l’île de la Dominique. Comment survivre à une telle épreuve, à l’incertitude qui ronge et qui rend fou ? 
Avec simplicité, il nous a confié ses doutes et son espérance : «C’est le Christ qui m’aide à traverser les vallées profondes de la folie et de la mort.»

Where are you, my darling girl? Alain’s testimonial

In the mild evening, we met Alain, at his camper van parked down the grounds below the shrine where he has been staying for a few weeks. His daughter Marion went missing in 2023 during a trek on the island of Dominica. How can you overcome such an ordeal and

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Faut-il se confesser avant de mourir ?
Catholic Radio

Is confession necessary before dying?

On the threshold of death, or when we’re thinking about death, certain things can weigh heavily on us. For example, a forgiveness not given or a bad deed, an infidelity, a hurtful phrase, a refusal to love, etc. Is it absolutely necessary to settle all accounts? Is confession necessary before

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Pardonner à un défunt rend libre

Forgiving a deceased person makes you free

Evelyne lives in the Essonne, near Paris. She comes very often to pray for her deceased family members. This time she came on a journey of forgiveness and explained how forgiving a deceased person can make you free.

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Pèlerinage pour les défunts en novembre à Montligeon

A pilgrimage in November for the deceased

What can we do for our deceased on the practical level, for our loved-ones who have departed? During the month of November which traditionally is devoted to praying for the deceased, Montligeon’s suggests to do a pilgrimage. Why have a pilgrimage in November for a deceased?

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Become a Hope Maker

2023 – 2029 Restoration campaign Our Lady’s basilica, at the outstanding shrine of Montligeon, where one comes and find comfort and hope, is in jeopardy

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Believing in eternal life

The death of a beloved is always cause of much grief. In societies saturated with information, fundamental interrogations relating to the meaning of life, death

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