When you recommend someone to the Fraternité Notre-Dame de Montligeon, you receive a certificate of registration. What is its meaning? Sister Marie-Émilie, secretary of the Œuvre de Montligeon, explains why the certificate of the Fraternité de Montligeon is the visible sign of a gesture made in the invisible world.
Why register someone with the Fraternité de Montligeon?
The aim of the Œuvre expiatoire, founded by Abbé Buguet in 1884, is to bring heaven and earth together. In this way, those on earth help the souls of the departed to ascend ever higher into heaven.
The sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated every day for all living and deceased members of the Montligeon Fraternity. When we attend, our role is to immerse in Christ’s sacrifice all the people we have enrolled. The graces that fall upon them help them on their journey, whether on earth or in heaven.
The certificate: a visible sign of prayer
The certificate you receive after registering a person is more than just a document. It is the visible sign of a spiritual gesture made in the Invisible. This gesture is no magic; it requires our collaboration, i.e. our prayer for the person, in communion with all the members of the Fraternité Notre-Dame de Montligeon.
This certificate contains several important pieces of information: the names of the person registering and of the person being registered, as well as the prayer to Our Lady Liberator on the back. Through Mary, this prayer unites all living members actively involved in this work.
How should the certificate be used?
My advice is not to leave it aside, but, if possible, to display it in a place where you normally pray. This way you keep the person in mind and its helps you to pray for him or her.
Giving a certificate: a gesture of support in bereavement
Registering a deceased person with the Fraternity can be a wonderful gesture of support for bereaved loved ones. It lets them know that they are not alone in their ordeal. It reminds them that others are praying for their loved one. And that’s a priceless gift.