The blessing of bikers, a confirmed success

Purring engines, with a mixture of good humor and seriousness – such were the ingredients contributing to the success of the blessing of bikers on June 25 at Montligeon. As our reporters slalomed between the motorcycles, they made some very interesting encounters. A few testimonials, a video and some photos.

From early morning, the hum of engines can be heard throughout the hills. Motorcycles of all calibers head for the shrine at Montligeon. Don Paul Denizot, the rector, welcomes the riders: “The blessing of the motorcycles is a great popular festival,” he explains. “It is also an opportunity to pray for motorcyclists killed on the road.”

As Marie-Christine points out, “whether you’re a churchgoer or not, everyone is welcome in the house of God, no matter how broken, unhappy or happy you are”.This 74-year-old woman who, as a little girl, used to ride behind her father in the streets of her home town, has just taken a ride on her own motorcycle, much to her delight!

Keeping slightly aside, we meet Laurent, a loner who tends to shy off from crowds. His true companions are the roads he travels all over Europe, and his motorcycle. Since he got on his first bike aged 16, Laurent got injured in several serious accidents: “I shouldn’t be here,” he admits with a hint of emotion, “but since I’ve been riding, I’ve had an angel watching over my shoulder. I strongly believe I’m protected.”

A little later, during mass, the congregation prays for deceased bikers. So does Marie, who has been part of this event for three years. Today however, her thoughts are for a friend, Daniel, who used to love motorcycling and passed away this year. Arriving from Alençon with ten friends, Rachid agrees: “We come for our biker friends who have died from falls or accidents. Just to remember them.”

The blessing of bikers

After mass, the motorcycles slowly parade past the priests to receive the blessing. Matthieu stops with a large grin. For him, motorcycling is a passion: “Motorcycling is freedom, it’s pleasure.” A practising Catholic, he sees this day as a great opportunity “to go on a little pilgrimage with friends and entrust all the riders. It’s also a way of sharing in strong communion.”

See you in 2025!

Next year, the blessing of the bikers and motorcycles will take place on June 29, 2025, after the mass celebrated for deceased bikers.

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