Category Saint Joseph

Parish priest’s prayer to St Joseph for his parishioners

How should one go about praying for one’s parish? St Joseph’s fervent friend, Fr. Buguet, founder of the Work of Montligeon wrote in 1873 a prayer to Saint Joseph to petition for his parishioners. Find out more. Prayer for my…

Pilgrimage to Saint Joseph in Montligeon

On March 19, the shrine of Montligeon celebrates the solemnity of Saint Joseph with a day pilgrimage during which, the ex-votos ordered by pilgrims and set in the basilica in gratitude to St Joseph will be blessed. Come to St…

Thanks St Joseph! Say it with an ex-voto…

Ex-voto saint Joseph

On December 8, 2021, closing on the liturgical year devoted to Saint Joseph by Pope Francis, the Shrine of Montligeon proposed the faithful to express their gratitude towards St Joseph by having an ex-voto engraved. Ex-voto making by the Mousset…

2021: A Year of Saint Joseph

Pilgrimage to St Joseph on 19th March 2021
Pope Francis declared 2021 a year dedicated to St Joseph. Here in Montligeon, two special pilgrimages on 19th March and on 1st May took place. Individuals, families, or groups, came to the one-day retreat events and entrusted their petitions, to Saint Joseph for family, health, or work. You too can come and do the same, any time you wish.