Enrolling in the Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon: why and how?

The shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon is the world center of prayer for the Holy Souls and of Christian Hope. What is more, and ever since 1884, it has been focusing on praying especially for the deceased recommended to the prayer of the shrine. As a result, a Mass is celebrated on a daily basis to their intention. That is the Perpetual Mass.

World center of prayer for the poor souls, Montligeon is not a mere pilgrimage destination but a vast spiritual fraternity as well, that brings together the living and the dead. 

The spiritual Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon is alike a small family encompassed in the vast family of the communion of Saints.

Why enroll in the Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon?

First and foremost because it is the perfect work of charity that to ensure by the prayers and the Holy Mass, the supreme sacrifice of the Lamb of God for the sinners of all times, for all souls.

Moreover, you thus enable your beloved, whether departed or living, to benefit from the perpetual Mass celebrated on a daily basis for the most forgotten souls and for all the enrollees in the Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon.

What could be more precious to them that this genuine and tremendous token of love?

Find out more about the Fraternity, visit our dedicated page:

How to enroll?

By postal mail:

By postal mail: you can use a sheet of paper and return it duly filled, together with your offering by check, or use our leaflet to be downloaded online, click on:

26, rue Principale – CS40011
61400 La Chapelle-Montligeon

Online enrollment:

Either go directly to our dedicated online form and “add” the names of people, one by one, then follow through the various straightforward steps.

Or (better!) watch the video below, and see how easy it is to enroll your beloved in the Fraternity of Montligeon, just follow the steps!


  1. I would like to enroll in the fraternity
    Would you kindly send me printed material
    So I can pass on the information to otherd

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