Homilies and teachings given during the pilgrimages of November 2024 for our deceased

You can access the teachings and homelies given during the pilgrimages of Heaven 2024. Bp. Lalanne, Bp. Feillet, Bp. Ftr Denizot, Bp. Gonsallo, Bp. Gollnisch, Bp. Vuillemin.

Holiness is not attained by your own strength but by the power of the love of God

First November 2024, All Saints Day. Homily by Bp. Stanislas Lalanne, bishop emeritus of Pontoise.

“We are all encouraged to become saints through the power of the love of God. When we are faced with obstacles, let’s not despair since He is amongst us! As for us, Christians, let’s irrigate the earth with the presence of Heaven.”

Hope is fluttering within us

All Saints Day, Nov. 1, 2024. Homily by Bp. Stanislas Lalanne, bishop emeritus of Pontoise.

“Let’s allow ourselves to be hopeful on this feast of all saints. Directly linked to the theme of the 2025 Jubilee, this conference, explains what hopefulness is. Hopefulness is God standing before us. It expects nothing but, as a night watchman, watches for the unexpected of God at the edge of the lake of our despair.”

Jesus comes to wrap our sorrow in his peace and his brightness

Day of prayer for the deceaced, Nov. 2, 2024. Homily by Bp. Bruno Feillet, bishop of Séez.

“Because Jesus came to visit our death, he can offer us his peace. Therefore we may go back not without our pain but by taking a different look at it. It gets covered by the peace, the kindness and the brightness of Jesus, which wraps all our suffering.”

Purgatory, a truth acquired by faith which transforms our life

Day of prayer for the deceased, Nov. 2, 2024. Teaching by don Paul Denizot, rector of the Shrine Notre-Dame de Montligeon.

“Whilst it has been regarded as an outdated idea in the Church, people nowadays hae a renewed interest in Purgatory, but also sometimes react to it with some hostility. However, far from all the terrifying representations given from it, Purgatory is a place inhabited by light. Although there is indeed suffering in Purgatory, it is the antechamber of Heaven. And if it takes us to the Lord through healing, it can only be a time of light.”

Let’s learn to love the souls of our deceased

Pilgrimage of Heaven, 3rd November 2024. Bp Aristide Gonsallo, bishop of Porto-Novo, Benin.

“The word of God recalls us that the essence of the divine law is to love God and our neighbor. Love is the only path that sanctifies us and leads us to Heaven. It cleanses us from all defilement and gives us the ability to encounter the God that is love. Failure to love takes us to Purgatory where we will let ourselves be educated to real, living love prior to experiencing the glory of Heaven.”

Giving testimony of our hopefulness for our deceased

Pilgrimage of Heaven, 3rd November 2024. Bp Aristide Gonsallo, bishop of Porto-Novo, Benin.

“Let’s have hopefulness become our course of action by relying on the communion of saints. Indeed, a prayer devoid of hope and trust will bear no fruit.” Referring to Pope Benoit 16th’s Encyclical, Spe Salvi, Bp Aristide Gonsallo explains this theological virtue by recalling that we are accountable for the hopefulness that dwells in us.

Jesus’ Gaze

Pilgrimage of Heaven, Nov. 10, 2024. Teaching by Bp. Pascal Gollnisch, General Director of the Œuvre d’Orient organisation.

The power of Jesus’ gaze engages our entire responsibility. Our gaze must be purified and adjusted to the likeness of Jesus’ gaze on each one of us: a gaze of mercy, love and hopefulness.

The Christians of the Middle-East

Pilgrimage of Heaven, Nov. 10, 2024. Teaching by Bp. Pascal Gollnisch, General Director of the Œuvre d’Orient organisation.

Since 1856, the Œuvre d’Orient has been responding to the needs of Christian minorities in the East. With agencies in 23 countries, the organization supports missions in education, health, etc. carried out in the name of the Gospel. It also provides a listening ear through encounters, communion in prayer, faith and mutual understanding.

Mary intercedes for us

Pilgrimage of Heaven, Nov. 17. Homily by
Bp. Jean-Pierre Vuillemin, Bishop of Le Mans.

Just like in Cana, Mary knows that Jesus will not ignore our prayers. Let’s ask her to intercede for our deceased.

Hoping and trusting Christ

Pilgrimage of Heaven, Nov. 17. Homily by
Bp. Jean-Pierre Vuillemin, Bishop of Le Mans.

How can we conceive of life after death? Why is Christian faith in the resurrection unique and contrary to beliefs such as reincarnation? Faith in the resurrection is not just a theory, but a truth that energizes our life and our hope and trust.

The pilgrimages of Heaven

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