Montligeon is your home!

On Sunday June 30, bikers are scheduled to meet in Montligeon for a motorcycle blessing ceremony. Even if you rarely or never set foot in church, you’re welcome in Montligeon!
Homily by don Paul Denizot, blessing of the 2023 bikers.

You my friend biker, you are welcome to have your bike blessed at Montligeon on June 30, 2024.


10:30 am – Meet at avenue de la Basilique, 61400 La Chapelle-Montligeon.

11 a.m. – Bikers’ mass at the basilica, in memory of bikers killed on the road

12:15 – Blessing of bikers and motorcycles

Refreshment bar and barbecue available from midday.

Bikers, Montligeon is your place

You rarely go to church except to find shade on the road. Maybe you’re not very proud of yourself because of the stupid things you may have done. Still, you’re invited to this church, because it’s your home! It’s your home and someone’s waiting for you.

Whoever is waiting for you here knows you. He knows all your questions, your qualities and your turpitude, your good will and your tears. And he loves you infinitely more than anyone could ever love you.

He loves you and wants to forgive you. Let him touch you. Come to Montligeon because it’s your home!

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