Month of May, month of Mary

Traditionally the month of May is dedicated to Mary. Mary is the Mother par excellence, whose motherly love nevers fails. Let us make use of the month of Mary to turn to her in confidence.
Traditionally the month of May is dedicated to Mary. Mary is the Mother par excellence, whose motherly love nevers fails. Let us make use of the month of Mary to turn to her in confidence.
Every year, the shrine of Montligeon holds a blessing ceremony for bikers. In 2023, it will be on 25th June. Such a ceremony is most meaningful to motorcyclists, even non-believers, who all have either been in a motorbike accident themselves…
For the 2023 Eastertide at the shrine of Montligeon: see detailed schedule below. You are most welcome to come at all times and participate in the celebrations taking place at the shrine, or to connect on our YouTube live broadcasts.…
In order to get the roof of its basilica renovated, the shrine of Montligeon proposes donators the opportunity to have their slate(s) personalised.
France Bishops Conference presents the shrine of Montligeon. Guided tour of this unique shrine by its rector, Fr. Paul Denizot.
The Sisters of the New Covenant personalise the slates offered by donors, which will be placed in the roof of basilica and replace the ancient ones dating back to 1903. What is the significance of such a gesture? Sr. Catherine…
The shrine of Montligeon is calling to offer roof slates to replace the original ones dating back to 1903, and proposes to have them customised to your name or that of a loved one. This approach particularly touched a donor. She explains why she decided to donate a slate to Montligeon.
Monsignor Blair, Archbishop of Hartford, CT, USA reminds us that purgatory exists and that we need to take care of our deceased.
The roof covering the nave and choir was completed in 1903, its slates are the originals. 79500 slates urgently need to be replaced. You can help by offering one or several customizable slate(s).
Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross identified 5 stages experienced by the kin: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Sister Cecilia would rather speak of the various “states” in mourning, because the course – or rather the courses – involved in mourning are not undeviating. Moreover, emotions can play hide and seek and often waiver from one to another as well as be overwhelming.