Download and print presentation booklets or specific meditations and prayers of the shrine, such as “Praying with Montligeon”. Let us unite in prayer, especially for the deceased, the sick, the dying and their families, for the medical and health care personnel, and for people undergoing trying situations…
On the Agenda
Download our year programme of activities under PDF. It has been designed to be home-printer friendly. (Please kindly note: our events are solely in French presently, but we happily support and receive retreats with their English-speaking facilitators, please enquire within!)

Agenda chronologique
Information leaflets
Download a brief chronicle on Fr. Buguet, founder of the shrine of Montligeon.
Download the leaflet about the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon, world centre of prayer for the deceased.
Become a Hope maker
Become a Hope maker with the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon. Donate one or several slates engraved with the names of your beloved, living or deceased. Join the line of church builders. Help us replace the 1903 dilapidated slates.
Votive Mass in honour of Our Lady of Montligeon
This specific Mass, from the Propre de Séez and approved on 1st November 2006 by Msgr. Boulanger, then bishop of the diocese of Séez, may be used by dioceses as a Votive Mass in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary (in English: under review, soon to be published)
Forming a Montligeon prayer Group
Forming a Montligeon Prayer Group
“Praying and engaging people to pray for the deceased.”
Such was the Oeuvre of Montligeon ‘s purpose as devoted by its founder, Msgr. Paul Buguet, in 1884.
Embedded in their parish, the Montligeon Prayer Groups diffused throughout the world. They locally fulfill the prayer of the Fraternity of Montligeon in favor of the souls in purgatory, especially the most neglected.
About the prayer groups
of Our Lady of Montligeon
The Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon is an association of faithful, erected Arch-Confraternity by Pope Leo XIII in 1893. Its main purpose is to pray for the souls in purgatory, especially the most neglected. This spiritual Fraternity invites its members to pray and engage people to pray for the deceased, as well as for all people recommended to it.
The shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon – Praying the Rosary for the deceased with Montligeon
The shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon offers specific meditations of the Rosary for the poor souls in Purgatory. Please help yourself.
6 options for a plenary indulgence
In 2021, Pope Francis invited all this year to find inspiration in Saint Joseph towards strengthening their faith, and accepting the will of God. To help us, the Church offered to receive plenary indulgence, that can be obtained by fulfilling the usual conditions, i.e. sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and praying to the intentions of the Holy Father. And by sizing the 6 occasions proposed by the Apostolic Penitentiary.
Download the paper enrollment form: print, fill and return it by postal mail.
You may download, print and fill it in, and forward it to the following postal mail address:
Sanctuaire Notre-Dame de Montligeon, 26, rue Principale.
CS 40011 – 61400 La Chapelle-Montligeon – FRANCE
Praying for a deceased beloved
Whether at home, or in a church, outside or even in the underground… I can pray everywhere. In the innermost of my heart. Here are a few propositions.
How can I help my deceased one, how to go about my state of bereavement? I may not know how to pray, I might not even believe in God. Yet, I can always cry out to Him, I might say: “God, if you exists, have mercy on my beloved who passed away!” …
Praying with Montligeon, when faced with bereavement or in mourning
Join the sanctuary prayer while remaining at home or when experiencing lockdown
To help you accompany a loved one dying without the opportunity of your being present, or to support you through with experiencing bereavement and having to remain away from the funerals, the shrine of Montligeon proposes two booklets of prayers, for private individual, or family use.
He, she, has returned to the Father’s abode and I was not at his or her side. Naturally, dying is always solitary passage. Yet I would have liked to have been with him, or her, all the way through, and to have been able to tell him, or her, “You are loved, go in peace, you may leave now.” Although we live in a hyper-connected world, we still experience that physical proximity is matchless. Today, being lock downed at home, isolation weights me down ever more. Amidst this very state of solitude, I am invited to unveil a presence, that of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, and moreover, that of the communion of saints, of all Souls, as well as that of the deceased for whom I wish to pray presently.
No more alternative: my father, my mother, a friend of mine, someone I love is about to pass away. I yearn to go and be at his, her, side.
Present restrictions due to the pandemic add to the painful perspective of his or her, imminent death, and to the torture of being unable to get to him or her, before he or she, departs.
How do I long to hold his or her hand, exchange loving words, and extend or receive forgiveness. I am being denied all of these basic humane gestures.
Yet, in such a painful circumstance, I can nevertheless offer my grief, my prayers, and my keeping watch for the one who is about to remit his or her life into the hands of God. In faith, I remain confident that I can still do something for his or her, and that my prayers will truly bear fruit.
Praying with Montligeon,
the way of the Cross,
or the way of the Resurrection
Please note that during Lent, unite in prayer with the shrine and the associated Montligeon prayer groups in praying the Way of the Cross of Our Lady of Montligeon, every Friday at 3.00 pm (15:00 GMT).
The Way of the Cross is an invitation to join and follow Christ in prayer in His life’s ultimate stages. Each station calls to share in Christ’s sufferings until His final agony and surrender into the Father’s hands. By contemplating the One who loved us so steers us little by little to conversion. Pray for departed brothers and sisters too so that the merits of Christ’s Passion may lead them to Heavens beatitude.
The Way of the Resurrection was inspired by the Way of the Cross. Station after station, it proposes to follow Christ in His resurrection and His apparitions. It seeks to help us open up to hope, for ourselves and for our beloved deceased. We can walk the path of inner healing.
Praying with Montligeon for unborn children, a path of consolation
This prayer course is a meditation by the Montligeon shrine in partnership with “Mère de Miséricorde” (Mother of Mercy) French Pro-Life Association. You might want to download it and meditate on it at home in prayer union with the Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon. For information on national help-lines please refer to your own country contacts.
The Way of Consolation addresses people faced with the loss of the child they conceived and who did not get to live, whatever the reasons may be (ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, medically terminated pregnancy, still born babies, etc.) . It seeks to help parents and relatives to open up to Divine Mercy so as to receive inner peace, healing and solace from the love of Jesus, the Redeemer.
The “Thank you/Sorry” card
Writing a postcard to a deceased person? Yes you can! Use our “Thank you/Sorry card”
At the shrine of Montligeon, writing a postcard to a deceased one is a simple procedure. You merely have to take a “Thank You/Sorry” card, fill it in and drop it (or have it dropped) in the “petition box” located beneath the statue of Our Lady of Deliverance, in the Montligeon Basilica. Then pray to Our Lord, through Mary’s intercession, to let your deceased know of your gratitude, or of your request for forgiveness. You can also download and print the card, and send it to the shrine, at your convenience, by postal or electronic mail. It will be thus entrusted by our personnel.
Relying on Pope Benedict XVI second encyclical letter entitled Spe Salvi (In hope we are saved), Don Paul Denizot stresses that we can do good to our deceased, even after death (read more hereafter)…
Litany of Our Lady of
Image rights reportage
Download, complete and return our image rights authorization for use by our partners (church, press…).