I trust that my son is near Christ


"Arnaud held my hand tight in his – and next he left. To me, his farewell felt like he's said 'I love you.' That day of June 25, 2023 will remain etched in Brigitte's memory forever. This was when her son Arnaud, 52; who had been severely handicapped, entered eternal life. Brigitte shares her emotion as she remembers her journey in mourning and how she found support in faith and hope in eternal life.

Holy year 2025

Voeux de don Paul Denizot, recteur du sanctuaire

Dear friends, This year 2024, Christmas opens the Year of Hope, as decided by Pope Francis. As a jubilary place in the diocese, Notre-Dame-de-Montligeon offers itself as a pilgrimage destination for us, pilgrims of hope. This is an opportunity to…

What does the Church have to say about the salvation of children who died unchristened?

Que dit l'Eglise sur le salut des enfants morts sans baptême ?

Many bereaved parents whose infant died unchristened wonder about their outcome. Regardless of the cause of the death (miscarriage, abortion or stll-birth), can a child be saved if they were not christened? What is the Church's official position on the salvation of infants who died before they had a chance to receive baptism? We asked dom Jean Pateau, the abbot at Notre-Dame de Fontgombault, who wrote "Le Salut des enfants morts sans baptême" [The salvation of children who died unchristened"] (Artège, 2017).