Category Articles

Montligeon mission to the USA

2022-12-19 With Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York

In 1897, Fr. Buguet visited the United States where the spiritual charitable work he had initiated merely a few years earlier had diffused. Mid-December 2022, Fr. Paul Denizot, the rector of Montligeon followed his footsteps.

Brother Luke of Tibhirine and death

Dom Thomas Georgeon, Frère Luc de Tibhirine et la mort

Bro. Luke was one of the seven Trappist monks of Tibhirine murdered in 1996 in Algeria. His writings reveal his perception of death, his hope as well as his fearlessness with regards to dying. Through his writings, he left us a piece of good news regarding death.

Should we talk about the dead to children ?


The death of a loved one affects so much the adults that they tend to not let their children know about it, so as to protect them. Very often, they remain silent and choose not to trigger off questions from their young ones. Should we talk to children about the dead?

Msgr. Nassar about bringing peace back in Syria

Mgr Nassar, ramener la paix en Syrie

Msgr. Samir Nassar has been the Maronite Archbishop of Damas, Syria since 2006. In an interview for the shrine magazine "Chemin d'éternité", he speaks of the preoccupying situation presently prevailing in Syria but also of his hope.

Origin of the celebration of All Souls Day

La commémoration des fidèles défunts par saint Odilon

Every year, the day after All Saints Day, on 2nd November, the Roman Catholic Church calls to pray for the deceased. This feast in commemoration of the faithful departed, is usually called the “Day of the dead”. How did it…

Montligeon missions to Lebanon and Syria

Mission au Liban, le port de Beyrouth

Fr. Paul Denizot and Fr. Pierre Gazeau traveled to Lebanon and Syria from Sept. 6 to 19, 2022, in order to meet Eastern Christians and Montligeon Prayers Groups there. Travelogue. Mission to Lebanon The Maronite Archbishop of Damas, Syria, Msgr Samir…

Montligeon missions in Africa

Don Paul Denizot

The chaplains of the shrine regularly go and visit the Fraternity of Our Lady of Montligeon Prayer Groups in Africa. Find out more about the mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Feb. 24-March 8, 2022) and that in Cameroon…

Grieving the loss of a spouse

Marie Garat

Further to her husband’s death in a helicopter accident three years ago, Marie first came to the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon in 2021 to attend a bereavement retreat during the All Saints period. She came back with her…

What hope after the suicide of a loved one?

À Montligeon, nous accueillons dans les haltes-deuil de plus en plus de personnes qui ont perdu un proche par suicide. L’Église condamne-t-elle le suicide ? Ces personnes sont-elles sauvées ?