What can one do after the demise of a beloved? Four months after his spouse’s demise, Oliver travelled with his children from Ivory Coast to Montligeon. Why make such a step? Why come to Montligeon? Listen to his testimony.
Why make such a step?
Four months after his spouse’s demise, Oliver and his daughters flew over and visited Montligeon. They participated in a mourning session.
Obviously under shock, he explained: “We came to find comfort, answers to our questions and also counsel so that my wife may rest in peace.”
“The best way to alleviate our suffering is to help her on her way to God, to pray for her and for us.”
Why come to Montligeon?
“We heard that the best place to find answers to our questions was Montligeon. For us, that meant the world. Our search was not to be hindered by distance.