“How the souls in purgatory helped me to make a way of the cross”

In 2008, as he was dealing with financial worries, the rector of the Belgium shrine of Tancrémont got unexpected help from the souls in purgatory for whom he used to pray. Read this testimony about how a relationship with souls in purgatory endures through prayer.

This testimony by Father Jos Vanderbruggen, o.praem, the rector of the shrine of Tancrémont, Belgium, was captured by www.jamiproductions.com.

Fr Vandenbruggen’s designation at the shrine of Tancrémont

Back in April 2000, Father Jos Vanderbruggen became the rector of the small shrine of Tancrémont, located in the diocese of Liege, in Belgium. This holy location is particularly famous for worshiping a 9th century cross called “Vieux Bon Dieu” (‘old Good God’). With great dedication, Father Vanderbruggen started to run this place devoted to prayer and meditation.

How the copper stations of the cross were stolen. The restoration work begins

In 2008, the peaceful life of the shrine faced a major disruption. One day, the stations of the cross, made of copper plates laid on the exterior walls of the chapel, were found missing. For Father Banderbruggen, the theft was an opportunity to consider things differently. Although he hardly had any financial support, he decided to turn a neighbouring plot of land into a park with new stations of the cross. Helped by a few volunteers, he started working on a modest scale, using the scarce resources available.

Discover the shrine of the
Vieux Bon Dieu in Tancrémont

Praying for the souls in purgatory

Despite his best efforts, the progress was very slow. One evening, as he was about to say Mass, he was requested by one member of the congregation, as often, to pray for the souls in purgatory. He then had an idea. What about turning to them and request their spiritual help? Father Vanderbruggen then said his mass on their behalf, hoping he would get their support.

Getting help from the souls in purgatory

Just after Mass, something unexpected occurred. A man he had already seen at some of the services came to talk to him. He said he was curious to know what was going on the plot next to the chapel. What was the plan? Father Vanderbruggen shared his vision with him and the next morning, the man came back with a local gardener to assess what could be planted. Thanks to the souls’ help, the necessary funds were available each time he needed them and the works advanced quickly.

The inauguration of the new stations of the cross

Two years later, on 14 September, 2014 – the day of the Holy Cross -, the stations of the cross were officially opened to the public. The Father Abbott of the abbey gave his solemn blessing to the place. A significant milestone in the completion of a project that would have been impossible without faith and the spiritual support of the souls in purgatory. Thanks to their divine assistance, the shrine of Tancrémont is now able to provide a new space for prayer to the visitors.

You too, you can do something for the souls in purgatory

Right now, enroll a soul at the pPrpetual Mass of Montligeon and be part of this chain of prayer for the deceased.

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