The significance of All Saints Day
On 1st November, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates All Saints Day. In a world at a loss for meaning, what is the significance of All Saints Day? What is the significance of All Saints Day? We live in a world…
On 1st November, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates All Saints Day. In a world at a loss for meaning, what is the significance of All Saints Day? What is the significance of All Saints Day? We live in a world…
The Church has always recognized the existence of angels and demons. Yet, what incidence do they have in our lives? Can a demon influence us and bring us to do evil? Can a good angel protect us and help us…
The resurrection of Christ is a truth of faith. Yet, in what tangible manner does the resurrection change my life? Does it alter anything as far as my body is concerned, or in my way of relating to others? Can…
Reincarnation or metempsychosis are trendy in our Western societies. These beliefs steeped in Buddhism and Hinduism confess an afterlife and a righteousness that rewards our acts at the end of our earthly life. This assertion is shared by the Christian…
How to find hope after bereavement? Marie-Jo lost her only daughter, Helena, in a car accident. Helena was 18 years old. While in mourning, Marie-Jo came to Montligeon. She found comfort and, above all, hope. Read her testimony. “Montligeon is…
Death is a scandal. It is not meant to be associated with humane love for, when one loves, it is forever! What becomes of love after death? Is it severed once and for all? Rev. Fr. Don Thomas answers, at…
Pope Francis declared 2021 a year dedicated to St Joseph. Here in Montligeon, two special pilgrimages on 19th March and on 1st May took place. Individuals, families, or groups, came to the one-day retreat events and entrusted their petitions, to Saint Joseph for family, health, or work. You too can come and do the same, any time you wish.
Our Lady of Deliverance, Have compassion on all our departed,Especially those who are most in need of the Lord’s mercy.Intercede for all those who have gone before usAnd may the purifying love of God lead them to full deliverance.May our…
The Fraternity is at the core of the Work of Montligeon. It brings together all the people recommended to the prayer of the shrine. Moreover, it represents an apostolate for all engaged in the Montligeon Prayer Groups. Landmarks by Rev. Fr. Martin…