On November 2nd, we pray for the dead

On November 2nd, we pray for the dead. Let us all be in communion and pray for the dead. It is neither too late nor ever useless to do so.

On November 2nd, we pray for the dead. For what reason does the Church celebrate on that specific day, the commemoration of the faithful departed, and better known as “All Souls Day”? St. Odilon (942 – 1049), Abbot of famous Cluny Abbey, initiated the Mass for the dead on November 2nd, the day following All Saints Day. Here at the shrine of Montligeon, his statue can be observed atop the South transept of the basilica.

On November 1st, we contemplate Heaven and all the Saints who are in God’s presence.

On November 2nd, we pray for the dead. On that particular day, priests are exceptionally allowed to celebrate three Eucharists for the deceased.

We know it’s neither too late nor ever useless to pray for the dead.

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